Next step: Math 16B or Stat 21?

<p>I am taking Math 16A as of now. I want to take both Math 16B and Stat 21, but which one should I take first?</p>

<p>On another note, does Stat 21 and 20 cover different concepts? Or is 21 harder than 20?</p>

<p>Take Math16B first because the concepts and material from Math16A will be fresher in your memory, and you need these concepts to do well in Math16B.</p>

<p>The difference between Stats 20 and 21 is that Stats 20 is geared toward social and life science majors (i.e. public health, economics) and Stats 21 is for Business majors. I would say that 21 would probably be harder since you would be competing against all those hardcore business majors and the curve would probably hurt you.</p>