Assuming D is a NMF (should find out next week), she will be getting full tuition for 4 years where she has been accepted and likely attending. Does not include room and board. Her portal at the University now reveals a pending Pell Grant in addition to the NMSF award (20K NMSF plus $4980 Pell Grant). If she should receive the NMF award (30K/year to cover tuition), does she lose the Pell Grant, or can this be applied to room and board?
The Pell Grant is a federal entitlement. Some schools package the Pell into need need based awards. But for merit, your daughter should get the Pell in addition to any merit aid she receives.
@thumper1 and @mom2collegekids Thank you for your helpful replies.
@mom2collegekids Correct…we still need an additional $6800 (approx) to cover the rest. We do have some savings and D will work over the summer to help out. But, can’t rest until I get that NMF confirmation…worried rejection letter is lost in mail!
Do you have a reason to believe that your D could be rejected? C’s on her report card? SAT too low (below 1960)? discipline problem at school? did she send her SAT scores to NMCorp?
Is your D considering any schools that give a larger NMF award?
Edit to add…her SAT is great
Your child can’t be rejected arbitrarily. NMCorp only rejects for a legit reason…grades, SAT score, discipline problem, didn’t do the NMSF form, etc.