<p>I was just notified that I'm NMSF (National Merit Semi-Finalist). As part of the application to advance to Finalist status, you have to indicate your first-choice college. You can list any college or "undecided".</p>
<p>Since I'm applying ED to Penn, do I list "Penn" as my first-choice school, even though Penn does not offer scholarships through National Merit Scholarship Corp.? Would it be better to list "undecided" in case I get rejected from Penn? If I get rejected, I will be applying to some schools that do offer scholarships through NMSC. If you list "undecided", I think you have until the spring to make a final choice (or change a choice). </p>
<p>Does it look bad (to Penn) if I list "undecided", even though I know I'm applying ED to Penn? Does Penn even know or care about this???</p>