"No" on Common App but Ended Up Applying

<p>When I submitted my 15 RD common application forms, I indicated that I do not plan on applying for need-based financial aid on every one under the Future Plans section. However, things have changed a little since then and my parents and I decided to go ahead and apply for financial aid today (February 15, the deadline for most of my schools). Are there any potential downsides to our decision to apply even though I indicated that I didn't plan to when I submitted my RD applications? I appreciate any help you have to offer.</p>

<p>You need to contact each of the colleges to let them know you will be applying for aid. It may change the way they consider you (many want a someone who can pay the full tuition) but if you do not contact them you will only be considered for what is left in the aid pool after everyone else.</p>

<p>D’s school saw late FA app skyrocket, some justified, some not. </p>

<p>Surprising was FA apps from full-pay families who never requested FA before and whose income has not changed. No income change - just a psychological change.</p>

<p>One comment heard is that they suspect that “poor” is the new fashion, and more people are feeling emotionally justified to get on that train - People who in the past, as a point of pride, would not have applied for FA. That is the demographic of most worry to schools. If the scrape/save crowd stops paying full tuition, the FA boat gets really rocky.</p>