No Online Notice ... :(

<p>You realize that Bowdoin admissions is probably done with all their decisions by now. They COULD post them all online like allot of schools do, but noo-oooo. They have to send them via snail mail. Quite frustrating. </p>

<p>But we love them anyhow…</p>

<p>^ you are hilarious. but i am curious, how are you such a good student if you spend countless hours on CC a night? you must be quite the multi-tasker. i think you are probably the most eager out of anyone here…if you don’t get in (which i expect you to) i will be veryyyy surprised…(that’s a compliment)</p>

<p>You know that thing Senioritis? Yeah. </p>

<p>Right now I’m sitting at my desk with an open physics textbook in my lap (tonight, unread) switching between posting on CC and going on facebook where I’m compulsively checking out people’s statuses to see who got into Cornell ED. </p>

<p>And I dont think I’m getting into Bowdoin. I cant believe I had mistakes in my app. It’s really embarrassing…unconsciously trying to sabotage myself (however, if i DO get in, it will make for a fantastic story of disgrace and redemption).</p>

<p>i’ve been doing the same status thing for about an hour and a half. turns out, my grade has 5 dartmouth, 3 cornell and 2 brown acceptances. why is life so unfair? and i agree about the common app, the order of my activities list was really not what i would have liked it to be and i seriously wish i had written different essays (both the 500 and 150 word). nothing i can do now though…</p>

<p>No i mean i had legit mistakes.</p>

<p>-I said i graduated in 2006
-I said I was a member of National HonorS Society
-I got the dates on which i took SAT2s wrong
-There was so little thing about a dependent clause in my essay missing a comma </p>

<p>And the funny thing is that me my mom and my guidance councilor all missed these mistakes until after my app was submitted.</p>

<p>i put down completely illegitimate awards (meaning i got them but they are really stupid and probably have no weight at all). AND, i really wish i hadn’t submitted my scores!!</p>

<p>Me too. I wish I hadn’t sent in my scores. That was a little dumb of me. And I am actually doing exactly what Tzar09 is doing…AP Euro textbook open, but I’m switiching between facebook and cc. This senioritis thing isn’t supposed to happen until after I get into college! ahhhhh</p>