No science in senior year

Hello. Im currently a senior and I am worried by the fact that I do not have a science course in my schedule. Ive taken 7 sciences throughout high school so far, and the only one left that the school offers is AP Chemistry which I do not want to take.
Should I dual enroll into the equivalent of Physics C (which my school doest offer) at a college? Im worried that I wont have enough time for my college applications with this kind of committment plus the 4 AP classes Im currently in.

If 3 years of lab science then no issue for any school. For many two enough.


why don’t you want to take Chemistry?

CHemistry is always something that has ben quite difficult for me, I dont think I would be able to handle AP unfortunately.

Which 7 have u taken.

ok so freshman I had biology chemistry physics (abroad). Sophomore I had honors physics, honors chemistry. Junior AP Physics II and AP Biology.

No problem: you’ve covered all 3 sciences AND an advanced class in 2 of them.
Have your GC specify you’ve taken all the science classes you could schedule.
What classes are you taking senior year?
What major are you thinking of?

What schools are you targeting?

You should be fine.

Im taking calc bc stats literature and gov/econ. Im thinking of majoring in economics.


Most t20s and ucs, plus a few safeties (cal states)

In that case, since you are aiming very high, it will matter IF there are rigorous science APs offered that you have not taken(ie AP chem, Bio or PhysC). Rigor and challenging yourself (within the context of what is offered) really matters at the top. These schools don’t just count math or science or history years/courses or AP totals: they look for whether you took the hardest level available to you, across the five core subjects, especially senior year(barring any significant limiting circumstances).

From posts above tTlhe OP has already taken AP Bio and AP Physics II. The only advanced science not taken is AP Chem which the OP prefers not to take (has completed honors chemistry). OP plans to take 4 APs senior year.

You’re okay.
Contrary to what you may have heard, you do not need all APs senior year. The 4 APs you’ve chosen align with an economics major well.
Select some real matches - run the NPC on Santa Clara, Whitman, UPugetSound.
SDSU and Cal Poly are closer to matches but the other Polys and CSUs should be safeties for econ.

I missed the APbio. I stand by my statement that the best resume for the tippy-tops from this HS would contain APChem and /or APPhysC(if C is offered).

OP stated AP Physics C is not offered at the HS. OP has already completed both AP Bio and AP Physics II.

Maybe for a STEM major, but for Econ/Gov/Lit, most applicants to the tippy tops do not need AP Chem. I’m in the bay area and there are many local kids that get into the selective UCs without AP Chem. The key really is what non-stem APs the OP has taken. I’d be a little more concerned if APUSH and APLAC weren’t taken then AP Chem.

It is likely different by area and by HS, not surprisingly, but in our region this student’s choice to not take it and not have a science senior year would lower the chances. It doesn’t mean they wouldn’t get in—but the odds would be somewhat lower for the top10s/super selectives.

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