No stress?

<p>I hope this is the right forum...</p>

<p>I don't know, like sometime in my freshman year (I'm a sophomore right now) I kind of stopped caring about tests, academics, etc. At first I thought it was some freshman form of senioritis or something but ever since then I just completely stopped feeling that anxiety to do well on tests and quizzes and projects (granted I still actually do well on them).
Does anyone feel this way too?</p>

<p>Doing well without feeling the stress over doing well is the magic formula. It’ll serve you well in college when the stress becomes ramped up. GL</p>

<p>I feel that way too…but I’m a freshman!!!</p>

<p>I’m jealouusss. As a junior I still stress out !</p>

<p>Don’t be! It’s so weird feeling this way because none of my friends are like that. Whenever we talk or text they’ll be like “Oh I’m stressing about the ____ test!” and “How much are going to study?” and all I can say is “I’m stressing too. And a lot!” because I don’t want to sound arrogant and be like pshhh nbd… >.<</p>

<p>^Wow, a lack of arrogance on CC!</p>

<p>JK, but that’s hillarious</p>

<p>Freshman year I was the biggest slacker ever… But somehow I managed a 4.0 gpa. Sophmore year I study my *** off but I still get 3b’s per quarter. The stress is building up but I have no white hairs yet so I think I am nothing compared to some eopel</p>