<p>Why does this school have less vacations than other colleges I know and am researching? It starts August 20, but most colleges don't until as late as September 20? 1 week spring break?!! WHY?</p>
<p>I believe the year ends about ~1 month earlier than other schools, which should make up for starting ~1 month early.</p>
<p>Classes start August 27, break starts December 20th, spring semester starts early January, and we're done with classes by the first or second week of May.</p>
<p>We get an early summer, which means an early jump on jobs, internships and whatever else you like.</p>
<p>Plus we're on the semester system, and all of the schools I know of that start that late are on the quarter system.</p>
<p>... who has a Spring Break longer than one week?</p>
<p>We get a pretty long winter break. We get off Dec. 20th and don't have to be back until Jan. 22nd.</p>
<p>ya dood it's already way more vacation than high schools for sure.</p>
<p>Yes, but summer vacation starts Mid May, just like most other schools and classes start in August with a 1 week break.</p>
<p>well maybe you should get over it. the breaks are fine, this is college now...</p>