<p>Ok let's say you were driving along one day when you see a burning building (I bet you know where this is going). You jump out of your car and without thinking even for a second, you run into the burning building. You see several people in there and you help rescue let's say.... 6 people. You take them out one by one and come right back into the burning building each time. All the congratulations and thanks pass and you're given a citizen's award from the mayor of your city. This is a rather stupid question, but should you mention that citizen's medal on your college apps?</p>
<p>Heck, yeah! Why not?</p>
<p>Yes, as DougBetsy said, mention a citizen's award on your apps. Why wouldn't you?</p>
<p>Well, if one of those six people you saved goes on to murder ten people, I probably wouldn't mention him by name, but otherwise yes.</p>
<p>Sometimes the things that best define who a student really is have nothing to do with high school records. I had a friend in high school who was a competitive speed skater, one of the best in the nation for his age group. But his hours of training outside of school prevented him from engaging in school-based EC's. You can bet his outside-of-school activities went on his college apps.</p>
<p>Thats such an awesome thing to have on your application. Good for you!</p>
<p>That's certainly something indicative of [good] character, so I would definitely put it down.</p>
<p>Haha, thanks megavortex7, but that was just a made up scenario</p>
<p>that is more impressive than most in-school awards</p>