Non-Linear Dynamics

<p>Chaos is a subject to which I have only recently been exposed. The more I learn about it the more interesting it becomes to me. However no schools offer it as a major. Courses offered in the subject are listed under either math or physics, but which major would be more relevant to the subject? From what I can tell, chaos applies to many subjects, but physicists have done the most with it. Also does anyone know of a good school for the subject of chaos/non-linear dynamics.</p>

<p>I'd guess any place with good applied and theoretical math would be a good place to study non-linear dynamics. </p>

<p>Seems like you should do the math/physics double (a lot of people that go to grad school for theoretical or mathematical physics seem to do this; the math prerequisites for advanced physics studies are a bit heftier than the minimum you need to graduate with a physics BA).</p>