Honors Fractals/Chaos?

Has anyone taken it and how useful is it in terms of applying for an engineering major and college admission?

I heard the math is useful if you are going into computer science … and I’m guessing that I need computer science to do engineering …

But if I take this I have to give up PLTW next year (no time) …

Did you really just say you think you need computer science to do engineering?

This is a fringe topic. While non-linear dynamics and chaos theory is a very interesting area of mathematics/physics, you really don’t need it for engineering. In fact, its unlikely you’d be required to take any sort of course dealing with it for any standard type of engineering. Also, I don’t really know you’re education situation but it seems doubtful to me that a high school class would really treat this at a high level. That aside, the idea that you need to go into computer science to be an engineer is wrong. However, any good engineer will have a decent knowledge of computation and programming.

Chaos? That enchantment is super useful in Skyrim. The Champion’s Cudgel is super overpowered and pretty easy to get, too. Combined with Fiery Soul Trap, it’s a self sustaining damage dealing machine.

On a serious note, computer science is helpful, but not necessary. Computer Engineers do need it, though, along with some Electrical Engineers.

OK so how about college admission perspectives? Should I stick with PTLW (the engineering program) or take Honors Fractal/Chaos? Which one would look better to college admission officers? Those are all electives …

Either or, probably. PTLW will probably be viewed a bit better, but I don’t see how Chaos would hurt you.