<p>I was just wondering that besides Pomona's highly acclaimed science programs, how are their other programs regarded. Especially the PPE and Int'l Relations majors...Are there many other schools in the US that offer PPE? (I know CMC does)</p>
<p>Very few American colleges and universities offer the PPE major - it's more of a British tradition. I know that the University of Pennsylvania offers it too, and Columbia has an Economics-Politics joint major, but PPE is still very rare.</p>
<p>Pomona is a very good school overall. A degree in any field would be well-regarded.</p>
<p>A Google search suggests that the PPE major is rare in the US, although it is offered at such disparate institutions as Penn, Denison, Eastern Oregon, and Minnesota State University - Mankato.</p>
<p>Joint PoliSci-Econ programs, or "Political Economy" majors, seem to be more common.</p>
<p>Both the PP&E and International Relations majors at Pomona are very popular and well-regarded within the consortium at least. It seems that a lot of students who see law school in their futures pick these majors. The social sciences at Pomona are very strong.</p>