Personally, how do you feel about people not majoring in STEM? I meet a few engineer majors that look down upon every major… even business.
for someone like me i put my passion towards stuff like economics, graphic design, criminal justice, those fields interest me…
what’s your take on this situation?
Some engineering majors look down on other people. Some other people look down on engineering majors. Neither group is worth associating with.
Who would look down upon engineer majors? Me personally I think it’s a GREAT major, its really marketable, but that doesn’t lie in my interests.
Superiority complexes and inferiority complexes run rampant in the college setting, unfortunately.
Everyone has their preferences.
Engineers are sometimes stereotyped as being socially inept, or as “robots” with no interests outside of math. In addition, their GPAs are often lower, so you could make a case against them that way.
My point is, people who judge others will always judge others. Sometimes the target changes.
As a hopeful engineering major who loves creative writing…fie on any engineer who thinks they’re better than others because they’ve taken more math. 
My take? Who cares?
What contributes to my quality of life is quite complex and variable, but one thing it does not depend on is some kid who doesn’t even have a degree spouting off who they think is inferior to them, much less an adult who is still unable to wrap their minds around the fact that a major doesn’t speak for an entire person. Forget about them. Move on from anyone who pushes their superficial ego-boosting beliefs on you. You don’t need that in your life.
Major in what interests you and gets you to your goals. Simple as that.
I agree… who cares.
I am an engineer, generally impressed by others that have gotten through the same kind of tough training. But I suspect there are similar views about own field held by doctors, nurses, lawyers, architects, gymnasts, etc etc
OP, I think you just realized that engineers are part of the Illuminati. It’s just that some of are not that good at keeping it a secret. Here’s a video that will help you understand -