<p>Hi folks,</p>
<p>I have concerns regarding where to obtain my committee letter (well, in general, ALL of my letters), but have received conflicting advice. I am currently finishing pre-reqs (at night) at local state U and will be taking the MCAT next year (Spring 2013), with plans to apply June 2013. This leaves me about 1 year starting now to obtain good letters of rec before the committee letter goes out, which is why it is important that I figure this out now--the sooner the better.</p>
<p>My UG tells me that the brunt of my letters, + comm letter, should be from them. Reasoning: while I am taking a small number of courses now with post-bac institution (not formal), the brunt of my credits were earned from the UG institute. I graduated in 2010.</p>
<p>Pros (my PoV):
- I am more familiar with my UG overall, would feel more comfortable approaching profs there
- I would prefer to be accepted into MS from same state as UG (although I am not really sure state of origin w.r.t. letters matters at all?)</p>
- getting LoRs from profs will be difficult, as UG is not close by, and profs that taught me will not remember me, and may not even be there any more.
- even if I can find profs that will write for me, how good could they possibly be?</p>
<p>My post-bac uni tells me that letters + comm letter should come from them. Reasoning: most recent coursework, and they are just "really really really good" at writing letters.</p>
- "better" letters, in that they will be written by profs that have a more recent relationship with me, and I can actually impact my rapport with those individual profs
- "easier", in that i am on campus all week anyway</p>
- less than 10% of my total credits will be obtained from post-bac uni
- I am less familiar with this institution overall
- not the state I wish to attend MS (see above)</p>
<p>My gut feeling is that, in either case, it doesn't actually matter which institution I receive letters + comm letter from, as long as they are "good." Obtaining "good" letters is where I perceive an issue. My two main questions (feel free to add anything you deem appropriate outside of these, of course):</p>
<li>Given that I can obtain good letters from either institution, which would you recommend based on the above (or your own experiences)?
2, Which institution do you think would give better letters in general (just based on most recent vs. UG, I realize you cannot possibly predict the quality of individual letters).</li>