Non-Traditional Student Pondering at Chances at...

<p>I'm 25 and am looking at going back to college after a three year hiatus. I'm looking at going back Fall of '11-ish, but I want to get a head start in case I decide to go back sooner. </p>

<p>I have already spent 4 years in college, majoring in Printing Press Management. If I went back to finish that degree, it would only take me a year, but the printing industry is bleeding jobs. I have friends who have graduated with the same major and can't get jobs because they're going up against people with 20-30 years of experience. So, it's looking like I'm essentially am going to have to go back to school all over again. </p>

<p>I may have to end up with a Regent's Degree, but am trying to avoid it. I'm looking at doing international relations or some sort of graphic communications. Maybe something to do with writing.</p>

3.2 college GPA
President of my sorority (interested in going Greek? I can answer most questions!)
Editor of my college newspaper
Editor of my college's humor newspaper
Secretary of the college's student government
A bunch of various other activities</p>

<p>Anywho, here are the schools I'm interested in. What might my chances be?</p>

<p>George Washington U
Trinty (D.C)
Catholic U
Penn State
Bryn Mawr
Boston College
Virginia Tech