<p>Hello everyone, I have not been to this site for quite some time, since high school actually, and now I am in community college looking for some additional knowledge about transferring and which colleges are best suited etc. I have been to the counselor many times, but it seems that some of them only say enough to do their job and get you out of the college, not really trying to fit actual needs and interests into finding the proper college. I was hoping that is where you guys could help out.</p>
<p>As for a little background, I graduated the year where the Governator took Gray Davis' place leading California. I had a pretty decent high school career, but things did not go as I had planned. As some of you may now, this severely cut into the California budget, affecting public education budgets as well. Acceptance rates dropped severely, and I did not get accepted into the UC's that I wanted to go to. Now that may or may not have been the case; either way, I made the decision to go to community college. </p>
<p>High school:
GPA: 3.5
Weighted: 3.8
Average of 3 Honors classes per year
SAT1: 1330
SAT2: 680 (for Math2c, Physics, Writing)
AP Exam - Statistics: 5
AP Exam - Physics: 3
Extracurricular: Webmaster for 2 clubs, President of business club, Track team 2 years</p>
<p>I worked very hard in high school (with the highest ranking on the California high school difficulty level) and when I graduated, ignorantly I felt that my hard work had not payed off, and my work ethic began to decline slightly. My first year in community college did not go as I had planned. I thought that since the high school I attended was so difficult, community college would be a cakewalk. Unfortunately this made me lazy, and even though I could have easily gotten A's in my classes, I settled for that B. My GPA in community college is around a 3.0 (3 quarters and 1 semesters, I changed community colleges after 1 year), with about 30-40 units left to transfer. However, I realized that I am ready to start working hard again, and I have no doubt in my mind that I can get A's for all my classes in the following semesters until i transfer. I want to major in Business, with less focus on economics, and more towards the applied aspect. My counselor said I really had no chance to get into UC Berkeley. Is this really the case?</p>
<p>Following the counselor's advice, I changed my focus to that of the CSU's for business. Ideally, I would like to remain in the Bay Area to attend schooling in business to remain close to family (I am a lot older than my siblings, and I would still like to see them grow up), but if southern California schools have significantly better education than northern California schools, that may also be an option. How does SFSU and SJSU rank in terms of business?</p>
<p>To anyone that has made it this far in the post, I thank you for taking time to learn about my situation. If anyone could offer constructive criticism/advice/thoughts/knowledge, it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks again everyone.</p>