<p>Not too much in the way of updates but just wanted to post the rough timeline for the application process:</p>
<p>Second half of third year (spring of M3 year): start working on personal statement and CV. All throughout third year, you should be asking for letters of recommendation.</p>
<p>July 1st: ERAS opens and you can start working on the application.</p>
<p>July-September: pester letter writers about getting their LOR’s in, finalize CV and personal statement, fill out application, decide on which programs to apply to</p>
<p>September 1st: First day you can actually submit the application. Most people advise submitting the ERAS application sometime in September (if you submit it in late October for example, programs will think you’re just tacking on some safety schools). You can submit the application without having all of your recommendations in. The lesser programs will review your application without the MSPE (Dean’s Letter) and even without all of your LOR’s.</p>
<p>November 1st: MSPE’s go out from med schools across the country. Most of the more competitive specialties and big name programs won’t give out interview invites without seeing your MSPE.</p>
<p>October, November, December, January: interview season</p>
<p>Mid-January: first day you can submit your rank list although most applicants wait until February to submit their rank list</p>
<p>February: residency programs and applicants submit rank list and the waiting begins</p>
<p>Mid-march: match week. On Monday, you find out if you’ve matched or not. Programs find out if they filled all their spots or not. This will be the first year of changes to the old scramble system. Instead of having your deans and mentors make phone calls for you if you don’t match, you will instead submit your ERAS application to programs that did not fill. The programs will review your application (quickly) and offer you a phone interview (quickly) if they are interested. After the phone interview, within a day or so, if you are accepted, you will receive an offer of acceptance with 2 hours to decide before the program moves on to the next applicant they interviewed. The goal is still to get you a residency spot by March 16 (match day). In essence, the entire application process is shortened to those 4 days. </p>
<p>March 16th: Match Day!</p>
<p>Step 2 is generally taken anytime between July and January depending on if the applicant wants the score to be included in the application.</p>