<p>im a rising senior trying to get together my list of colleges and universities to apply to in the fall. im mostly looking for small universities in the northeast US. so far, my reaches are princeton and brown. my safety is syracuse where im a double legacy. i live overseas right now, so as for what to put in between, i dont even know where to start. just wondering if anyone has any suggestions about what might fit in that "middle area" ?
<p>you need to give us more information- your stats, and what you are looking for in a school</p>
<p>ejc, Also, are you an American citizen? What's your ethnic background? Do you need financial aid and if yes, will your family qualify for need based aid? Any ECs, interests, hooks? Lots of questions but these points really make a difference when you're looking at selective schools.</p>
<p>sorry about that. yes, i am an american citizen but i have grown up in the US, europe, and asia. this includes three different highschools.</p>
<p>i had a 4.0 for both freshman and sophmore year, which dropped to a 3.446 for junior year.
i got 2270 on the sat1 (writing 800, verbal 760, math 710)
i am a national merit scholarship semifinalist
790 on biology sat2 and 720 on the chemistry sat2
i took all honors courses this year, including 3 aps: biology, american history, and french.
i have taken at least three years of italian, latin, french, and chinese.
i am in two string ensembles in which i play violin
i am on the varsity basketball team
i am in amnesty international and habitat for humanity, of which i will be a leader next year. i have done significant community service since middle school, including service trips to calcutta, manila, and kowloon (hong kong).
i was class president in 9th grade, although im not sure if thats too far back...
i want a university with a financial aid program, but other than that i don't have any specifications because i don't know if my family will qualify. </p>
<p>as princeton and brown are my ideal schools, im trying to find schools that are similar but less selective to fill the rest of my list. i hope this helps!</p>
<p>Tufts would make a good match. Possibly Brandeis?</p>
<p>Wesleyan is very similar to Brown and would be a great match for you</p>
<p>Colgate and Middlebury are good back-up schools for Princeton applicants.</p>
<p>growing up in cities my whole life, i don't want a university in the middle of the countryside. i need someplace close to a city or large town...</p>
<p>ejc, We are also Americans living overseas and I can say that colleges respond favorably to this life experience. By admitting expatriate US citizens they gain kids with international experience without the concerns over visas and language issues. </p>
<p>You need to be more precise about your need for financial aid: Do you NEED it in order to attend or would it just be a nice bonus? This will make a huge difference in your list as you dont want to get accepted and not be able to come up with the money. If you do need financial aid, then the next question is does your family qualify for need based aid (you indicated that they probably would not) or are you counting on merit aid? Again, the answer to this question makes a huge difference. </p>
<p>Brown and Princeton while both great schools are very, very different in just about every way. Some schools that are more like Brown but less selective are Vassar, Wesleyan, Haverford. I cant think of too many schools that are like Princeton but less selective and urban. Maybe Trinity. To be in the same feeling as Princeton you might have to reconsider your big city requirement. In that case I would look at Amherst, Williams, Hamilton, Bowdoin. </p>
<p>For more matches you should consider being more flexible on geography as Northeast urbans are among the most selectives. Macalester particularly likes kids with global backgrounds.</p>