Northeastern Coop experience

I am looking for someone to share their coop experience from NorthEastern Univ as it relates to the arts (in particular Studio Art).

I completely understand the types of coops students can get in business, healthcare etc…) I see a good fit.

However, D wants to possibly major in studio Art and was concerned about the types of avail coops that my be available to her (from NEU website, their suggestions seemed either vague or limited).


I would also appreciate hearing from people who’ve done coops in the arts. My son was admitted for the joint computer science/music composition & technology major. I’m really curious to know what kind of coops are available in such a field.

Studio Art and CS/Music Comp are very different co-op jobs and fields, FYI. The arts are obviously far too ranging to be generalized.

@TexasMom2017 The best co-ops by prestige/pay/brand are going to be CS jobs in the music industry, like for example with Bose (actual CS co-op). If your son is looking for one that is all music composition, I can’t speak to that, but the point being, even within one degree it depends on what you’re looking to go into, if anything in particular.

Unfortunately, I can’t speak to the artistic co-ops, as all my friends in CAMD are either in animation or communications, which also have very different fields.