Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

HAHA I AGREE! THE ANXIETY IS SERIOUSLY KILLING ME!!! Praying we hear back from them soon

yes, after 5pm iā€™m withdrawing my application. enough of this nonsense. lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BAAHAHAHAH. I wouldnā€™t be able to live with myself if I withdrew not knowing my decision result

Holding out hope. At least one GC confirmed it was today, right?

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Good luck for 5 PM EST for fellow NEU applicants.

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Im from NY so the results should be coming out 5-6pm for me. praying its accurate.

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5pm confirmed time???

Any EST results?

thatā€™s what the other thread on CC said

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MINE IS OUT! i got deferredā€¦


ugh. im in ma so will check

I think on the other tread, it said 4-6 PM EST for New England and 5-6 PM EST for New York, and other portions of the country vary.

NU In!!!


decision out!

what region u in and congrats

West coast waiting be like: :skull:


Would whoever has heard mind sharing your stats??

LOL same here. My link on the portal has ā€œpre decisionā€ in its link.