Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Do you have a source for this claim?


Daughter got NUin which she shows some disappointment over (and application said not open to study abroad first year but interested in it potentially later). I think she will warm up to it. She has pretty good stats 4.0 UW/ 35 ACT definitely above the NUin profile of previous years, but after seeing the deferral stats here, the admissions officers may have made the right decision as her number of AP classes etc. may have fallen short in the RD round (mostly due to what’s on offer at her school) with fewer seats remaining. For whatever it is worth the deferrals here are very much “postponements” Michigan style though I don’t think being OOS is a significant issue other than somewhat less likely to attend. Tippy top stats/class rigor seems to result in deferrals in most private schools these days as schools are testing patience and endurance as a proxy of true interest. Unfortunately it is wearing the kids out in the process


I spoke with an admissions officer when I was deciding to go with ED2 or EA and he told me that a majority of EA applications are not able to be reviewed due to time constraints. He told me that if you want to guarantee that your application is reviewed thoroughly, that you should apply ED2 because during EA, there isn’t enough time for every application.

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where did you find this?

It is a tad bit of speculation, but I said in another post that an admissions counselor told me that a majority of EA applications are not reviewed in time before the deadline.

A deferral, therefore, does not mean you were reviewed it didn’t look like enough to them, but it could be instead that they never reviewed it.

Here’s an article about MIT EA deferrals which is pretty similar.

OOS D22 admitted to, which she is completely open to because she wants to do multiple study abroad over the course of her undergrad
3.99 UW/1490 SAT
1 varsity sport, good long term ECs, she writes strong essays
Philosophy major
no merit - so she will attend elsewhere

she did not fill out the FA forms because we don’t qualify for need based aid, not sure if you had to do that in order to qualify for merit

My DD did. 30k per year National Recognition merit scholarship renewable for 8 semesters.


Sorry, I really don’t think MIT’s admissions philosophy is similar to NEU based on everything I’ve heard from people in the know.

Yes, they both defer a lot, but for different reasons (and I don’t think NEU’s deferral rate is anywhere close to MIT’s 65%+ rate):
NEU defers because they yield protect.
MIT defers because they want to “shape” their freshman class - they want to evaluate the majority of applicants together as a single group.


Yup, same here. Several EA deferrals for OOS in top 25% stats.

Luckily In-State safeties came thru.

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That’s fair, I will say that I am taking what an admissions officer told me in a private zoom call, so I don’t know how truthful they were with everything, but I would say that with a 30% increase in EA applicants, it would make sense that many applicants are not given enough time to be reviewed.

I wouldn’t take a deferral as a sign that they didn’t think you were good enough per say, there are many reasons for it.


Thank you🙂

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Admissions Officers Spending Less Time on College Applications!

Another fun aspect of college admissions, AO’s are spending somewhere between 4-10 minutes per application.


That’s outrageous

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In some ways I can definitely see how infuriated I would be to know that my admission’s officer simply couldn’t get to my application, but in another way, it is important to know that they will now have a proper amount of time to review each application before RD admissions. Therefore, they will be able to give the best possible thought on each applicant.

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I believe what you are saying. It just never occurred to me before

I like your positive approach. But EA deadline was Nov 1, so almost 3 months to read application. Do you think that in next 2 months, they have enough time to read all these deferred + RD application?


Daughter accepted!
3.9 UW/4.7 W
33 ACT (superscore)
Magnet program in mid-Atlantic public hs
4 year varsity athlete; team captain
Founded and led a club at school
good internship and a couple of strong awards
LORs likely very good.
Very “pointy” kid with club, internship, awards, common app essay all focused on a subject area which aligns with major at NEU
Did apply for FA; granted $12,000/year dean’s scholarship.
Would have been open to NUin

Congratulations to all who were accepted, and good luck to those who were deferred.


I do think that having the extra 2 months will help with getting applications reviewed. I obviously have no idea the circumstances of each deferral, but I would think that officers who reviewed you and deferred you would then not have to review you as thoroughly next time.

As well, from my perspective as an ED2 applicant, I received a lot of help from my admission’s officer (at least 2-3 hours of help over a few weeks) so I do think that they put a lot more attention toward ED applicants than EA applicants.

It shows in the vast differences in admissions rates.

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