Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

They plan to work with the higher yield by decreasing admission incredibly, which we have already seen. EA acceptance rate was 6%, thats how they work against high yield rates.


My prediction is that RD will see a lot of applicants waitlisted in mid-March. As commitments and deposits come in Northeastern will closely monitor the numbers. If say by late April the number of commitments is below expectations they will admit off the waitlist. If they are on target then few if any will be admitted from the waitlist. Then there is the whole issue of summer melt. How many of those committed will ultimately choose to go elsewhere? It is not a good time to be an admissions officer.


Just to note however, the NUIN admits are not part of the 1700 overenrollment. We never really see good numbers on NUin but I imagine more people accepted NUin Boston in 2021 bc they were still ā€œonā€ campus, but that option is going away and is not last of normal NUin. (2020 NUin folks thought they were going abroad.) Iā€™m sure it an administrative nightmare for NU.

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There is talk of making singles into doubles, doubles into triples in an app to the cityā€¦.

My kid was deferred and said he was open to or Bound.

Do you guys know where we submit letters of continued interest and updated resumes? Would we email them to our AO or upload it to our application portal? Also, would yall suggest getting a teacher or counselor to write the letter or does that not make a difference? Any advice is welcome :slight_smile:


Deferred and option 1 - said he did not want or Bound.

Wondering how much demonstrated interest played into this. We visited campus and took an official tour, but that was it.

My son was admitted through NuBound with no merit, and we donā€™t qualify for financial aid. Weā€™d be paying full price. Stats: CS student, 34 ACT. GPA: 3.99/4. 6 APs (scores: only 5s).

Sorry that I am posting so late (took a mental health NEU break, lol), but THANK YOU for the kind words! My DS22 does already have some terrific options and we have already come to the conclusion his deferral was inevitable between the possibility of his app not getting read, NEU being needs aware, and potential yield managementā€¦he will write a LOCI to stay in the mix because he truly loved NEU when we visited and we will take it from there. Still dreading March/early April but I think we have approached something adjacent to perspective.:joy:

I agree, but I also think that waitlisting will, as it has been in previous years, a denial in waiting. I think that they are planning for a similar yield to last year of around 33% and therefor admitting accordingly.

Lots of amazing kids deferred. This says nothing about these kids. 9 kids got accepted from our school last year and I know that the 8 that are attending are all girls. Iā€™m not sure who the other person is. There are many factors beyond our studentsā€™ control.

My daughter indicated she did not want to be in

There were over 2000 NUin students this year (all locations)

Exactly! The system is broken!

My son is local, high stats and deferred.

My son Math with CS dual major deferred as well

Where does this number come from? Again, I think that is likely a high number who accepted due to the Boston location being an option. They have never had that many. So with a Fall overenrollment of 1700, plus around 1,000 NUIN overenrollment, this yearā€™s cycle will be very conservative. (They have already said NUIN will not have a Boston option.)

Do you have the full text and where did it come from? Thx!

I replied here, from reddit, not from official source.

FWIW, I think College Kickstart is misinterpreting the numbers from that post, which says they have (so far) offered fall admissions to ā€œjust under 3000 students.ā€ This comes right after they talk about, not just EA but also ED1 and ED2ā€¦this makes me think that the 3000 includes ALL offers they have made at this point, not just EA offers. The posting they put up right after ED1 decisions came out said they offered admissions to 880 students during the ED1 round. That suggests that only about 2000 offers were made during the EA round (out of 50,000) for an EA rate of 4%.