Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thank you for kind words she will !

What are your other nursing school Choices?
As a nurse with 20 plus years of experience I can affirm you that a lost of nursing programs can provide a great BSN education for much less than 75k a year … Good luck !!!

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Thank you for your kind words, I am an immigrant as well)) .

I have a feeling they not giving an adequate time to review each application …. D22 emailed AO in her region with a question about her intended major - he did not have an answer and referred her to someone else ….He replied 7 days later…

My son was admitted NUin Test Op


Does anyone know the housing process for Fall admits? Is it guaranteed for all first year students?

On-campus housing is required for the first two years except for sophomore transfers. Many students move off-campus junior and senior years.

D accepted. 1590 SAT, 4.7/4 WGPA, 12 APs, 5s on six of them so far. Dean’s scholarship for 20k. Brother just graduated so maybe they took that as interest since she never toured or anything else, at least officially. She is very excited.


To add a question: one great benefit for NEU us that they take AP courses as credit. If she has 12 classes, does that mean she starts as second semester sophomore? And can she still co-op if she does that?

D was accepted into Honors Program with $30K scholarship/year. 1550 NMSF, 4.0 UW GPA, pretty strong ECs. Visited campus in person. A few others also admitted from D’s public school along with two admitted into Honors Program. Most were deferred, including students with higher SAT/ACT scores.

Personal statement, recommendations and ECs appear to be the differentiator along with some luck. Surmising also that there is a slight advantage for those of us in New England.


NU gives credit for AP scores of 4 or 5, up to 32 credits. Your child would talk to their advisor about their course selection in light of their credits, but it is likely they could graduate early. The earliest your child would have co-op would be spring of sophomore year and the AP credits would not affect their co-ops.


I know someone who was waitlisted and after they expressed real interest got in with a deans scholarship (I think ~12k or something) but they ended up going to USC. So it’s definitely possible but I will say the competition this year will definitely be the worst it’s ever been.

So if it’s 12 credits per semester and they would accept up to 32, that would take care of 2.6 semesters? Looks like they won’t take research or seminar so it would be 10 AP courses so she’d only have 30 credits anyway. We will have to talk to admissions I guess before she makes final decisions.

My daughter was deferred. She said no NEUIn and NEUBound.

A normal full time load is 16 credits per semester.


Oh I didn’t remember if they got three or four credits per class. So it would be a max of one year then.

my dtr classmate got accepted to CS. TO. Showed no interest.

By 2/15 at the latest. Historically on a Wednesday so hoping for 2/2 or 2/9!

I’ve been accepted into UT Arlington as a Nursing Major and into University of Houston as a Bio major since they don’t accept Nursing apps until junior year in college. I’ve applied to UT Austin but got capped. Finally, I applied to NYU and am waiting to hear back from there. I honestly wish I had applied to more schools in total because it feels like I was too picky (I wanted to go OOS and somewhere with more diversity) and now I’m limited in my choices. I’m just hoping for the best at this point. Thanks for the best wishes :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info. This is useful to know.

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