Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

good luck ! you have a few solid options! Texas have great hospitals , you will get a wealth of clinical expirience!


Good luck! My son is a senior at NYU and loved his experience there. His sister is a different person and NYU was not the school for her so she didn’t apply.
With that said
 I am a nurse and truly the undergrad doesn’t matter. Having a BSN and being able to pass the nursing boards is all that matters. Keep that in mind when you look at how much all of it will cost.


@norik95 - Congrats on UPenn. Your D22 is bright and hardworking and UPenn would be a better fit for her.

Colleges usually give seats to students who are most likely to join and who would fit better!

Sorry, I think you missunderstood me. At My dtr school last year valadictorian girl got rejected from NEU, but got accepted to UPENN and Princeton . Not my dtr )) . My dtr did not apply to U PENN . Thank you again to responding!

Hope you pick UH. They now have their own med school.

As far as NEU goes, they are doing what they need to for maintaining a top 50 ranking. It seems to be increasingly popular with more high quality ED applicants which will help yield.


My son came in with 31 AP credits. He will be able to graduate in 4 years with 2 co-ops but will have to take 4 summer classes (2 one summer, 2 another). He is currently a second year student on his first co-op. My daughter came in with 39 credits. Of those credits, 17 were Nu Accelerate classes (only offered for ED students) and the rest were AP or ECE credits. She could graduate in 31/2 years with 2 co-ops and no summer classes, but decided to add a minor and graduate in 4 years. She is currently a first year student, so things could change.
Besides having the right number of credits to graduate, students have to fulfill the NU Path requirements, which vary depending on which college within NU the student attends. So even though most AP credits “count” at NU, they don’t all help in fulfilling graduation requirements. I hope this makes sense!

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NYU was the same for my son. With his two majors, the only thing his 10 AP classes did for him was to move him up the registration priority.
He was required certain classes for one of his degrees. Two degrees with a concentration in 4 years.
It really is up to the school within the school on how it will all work out.

" Last year they reject velodictorian at my dtr school. She ended up up going to Princeton"
That is the purpose of colleges practicing yield protection. If Northeastern had accepted that student they would have gone to Princeton anyway. Northeastern wants students who will likely attend, not students using it as a safety.


Somehow, I don’t think that NEU is considered a safety for any student.
That’s probably true for a student being accepted to an Ivy League school, but even those students get rejected. NEU would have no idea who they would take or not take.
That’s why they offer admissions to a lot of people in hopes to hit their target student number.


@norik95 - Sorry for the misunderstanding. Congratulations to your DD on Honors colleges at UVM and UMASS as well as McGill. Her stats are really good and very likely she will do equally well in UG wherever she goes!

DC has been watching the crazy numbers (both for NU and Michigan) with respect to EA and is increasingly anxious about their ED2 application
any chance ED2 decisions will come out before February 15th?

February 15th is a Tuesday so my guess is that ED 2 decisions will come out on Wednesday, February 9th. That would fit past year practices.

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me too, Im from Nj as well!

I am planning on going for it
you can dm anyone on the NU Bound 2025 instagram page to ask about their experiences
it really convinced me to go!

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No that deadline for ED2 was January 1.
Just reach out to your AO and share any new info and your strong interest in attending NEU, and why
.as well whether you’d take NUin as an option.

Thank you- do they do anything to alert applicants that a decision is coming or do they just let you know by sending an email that your application status has been updated?

No advance notice. Email sent just after decision is posted.

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Besides maintaining the ranking, which I don’t think should be their only priority, they need to keep the school in a more manageable way with a better control over the yield rate, good for everybody. They should, in my opinion, increase the ED size to an even high level, maybe to 70% or 80% , to make sure there is a two-way “love”, absolute love, not being tempted by offers from other top 20 schools and also just get rid of EA. There is no point of having EA round right now if they intend to defer these many kids with great stats.

Also, I saw the news the other day that they have hired a guy from Tulane to be NEU’s new boss in charge of admittance and enrollment. Hopefully, this guy will make a meaningful change in the right direction.


I think there are a lot of problems with taking 70-80% of the class from the ED pool. It’s not good for everybody. Not all students are in the position to make a decision that early in the year. Here’s an article that talks about how the ED pool is quite different than the RD pool:

" Early admissions programs provide wealthy, mostly white students an edge for acceptance to competitive schools: Not surprisingly, research shows that early decision applicants are three times more likely to be white. They also undermine incentives for universities to court students through financial aid and are associated with declining campus diversity."


Thanks for the link.

Regarding this " The binding nature of early decision means that only students who can commit to a university before seeing their financial aid offer can take advantage of the policy.", NEU, as one of the few schools meeting 100% demonstrated needs ( NEU provides very generous financial packages to kids from low-income families, even as being need-aware, not need-blind at this point), provides the pre-read before you sign on the ED agreement, and basically you WILL know and see the financial aid offer beforehand.

For international students, what the article says might be true, but for those domestic kids, it is a different story.

As far as not being able to make decision that earlier, that is probably not the “true” love in my definition. They are thousand of kids out there that would know that they would want to go to one of those TOP 20 schools that early, which is the nature of ED. So if they don’t love that NEU that much, then they will have to be put in the RD pool as other thousand more super-competitive kids. Give and take.