Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

The Tulane guy is very good. Expect lots of free apps and deferrals to continue. Huge focus on demonstrated interest at Tulane. However, they have moved up the rankings quite well over the last 10+ years.

I’m not sure that any college takes over 60% of its students in early decision. Lehigh and Tulane are high. Maybe Miami too.

Personally, I would say that NEU will probably not offer free apps. They have enough interest right now. They have already had too much trouble with identifying the true interest from the app pool. Most of the kids probably don’t come to NEU because of the ranking. They like coop, location and the whole experience. Also, I really don’t think NEU is so desperate that they have to drive down the acceptance rate future for the ranking purpose, but who knows? :smiley:

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Does anyone know how much merit based scholarship Northeastern will give to National Merit Finalist?

In the past NMF awards have ranged from $30,000 to $40,000/year.

I agree!! 100 percent

I have assumed that lowering acceptance rates and yield protection were driving a lot of decisions this year. Then I checked the US News Rankings methodology, and it no longer considers acceptance rate. Student selectivity is given only a 7% factor weight. A More Detailed Look at the Ranking Factors | Best Colleges | US News

Although this has even dropped in recent years with some getting more like $15-20k. I have to wonder with more TO and fewer kids even taking standardized tests, if this might go away altogether. Just my thought, but with less emphasis on testing I have to wonder, esp since they have dropped their commitment of funding towards this over the years.

Do you know can we ask more Merit?

Heard from $3000-$5000 on top of your current and cannot max out 32,000 (not 100% sure, saw this on FB 101 sometime back)

I am wondering does ED hurt the chance of getting Merit Based Scholarship in NEU?

ED is and for many years to come will benefit wealthy white students who have the financial resources to know they can afford a college of choice no matter what, and also the financial and school resources to help them along in the process. Remember that MANY qualified students are coming from school districts lacking such guidance resources and don’t even start this process until their senior year and applying ED to one choice is not wise or feasible. Another consideration is that students, IMO, should not be forced into such a Major life choice at age 17-18 so early in the game. A wise soul told us, early on my older Ds HS time, that “the kid who applies to school in the fall is often a very different kid in April when they are choosing where to ultimately go to college.” Students do a lot of growing in the 9 month time as they weigh their options, look beyond high school etc. we encouraged our kids to apply to diff kinds of schools for that reason. And For many families, they need to weigh those options based on what life changes may have occurred in the 9 month period as well. I know that universities need to manage yield but I actually wish they would do away with ED. Too much weight on kids already stressed. One other thing to consider is that the admissions process often changes a bit each year as well and a school like NU develops new programs midway through. Both of my D’s benefitted from such actions (4 years apart and diff programs) which in the end changed their decision to attend NU in the spring, long after ED decisions were made. (NU came back to each of them with new program offers in March that affected their decisions after each had been accepted in EA, and even then it was not a slam dunk to attend.)
I understand your concern about managing yield, that is critical, and they have already said that they are taking 50%+ in ED… they can determine interest in other ways… that’s their job.


DS was Deferred did not want

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According FB 101, there are some kids get Merit $ for EDs.

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Thanks, I was told by someone before that ED could hurt the chance of getting Merit Based Scholarship

That is true in most cases (colleges).
That was why I did not apply.
But i found out many kids, the got Merit from ED in NU.
Lucky my son get in EA few days back (only 6% in EA, 38% ED1)

Thanks, not sure how does NEU decide the amount of Merit Based Scholarship to award to student.

Out of curiosity, why do you think this year is more competitive?

You can ask but don’t expect more. If you have a written award for larger merit from a peer college (BU, Tulane, Syracuse etc.) you may have a chance.

They came out Wednesday, February 3 last year (here’s a screenshot from their Instagram post last year). If they follow that formula, they should come out on Feb 2 this year, right?

Really? EA and ED2 is one week apart?