Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

That’s what happened last year (EA = Jan 27; ED2 = Feb 3). In 2020, the decisions were two weeks apart but that’s because EA came out earlier (EA = Jan 22; ED2 = Feb 5). In the scheme of things, getting the EA decisions done (more than 50k, apparently) is a much bigger task than the ED2 (a mere 1460 this year) so I guess it’s not a big deal for them to finish up ED2 a week after EA.

Does anyone know when RDs normally come out?

Apparently they had 30% more apps this year (90,000 vs 70000) and an extremely high yield (overenrollment) last year by 1700 for normal fall admissions and seemingly a high yield for NUin. Given their constraints on housing etc, it is expected that they will be carefully managing their yield this year.


@lily_qian did you have all your FA papers in on time (FAFSA and CSS?) if so, you can perhaps appeal for more FA esp if you ran the NPC and it showed you’d get more aid than you were given. It’s not likely you’ll get more merit aid by appeal. If you are NMF, you might also get more merit when that comes out and you declare NEU your top school.

ED might have been used to benefit kids from wealthy families in the past. It might be true in general now as well, but really depends on the situation. On the contrary, I find that the myth of ED only benefiting kids from rich families that don’t need to worry about financial resources has somehow been used, intentionally or unintentionally, to discourage kids from low-income families (They are all Americans, regardless what they look like. Low-income is low -income.) from taking advantage of the opportunities that the schools like NEU have to offer. For the kids from middle-class families that are not eligible for aid, it might not be a good idea to apply ED though. I have told one of my friends that happen to have too many kids in college at the same time to look at ED NEU, if they REALLY want to get in and money shouldn’t be an issue. Don’t be discouraged by the common belief of not applying ED if you can’t afford and the schools will be less likely to offer merit.
Also, IMHO, I would say nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. If people want more options and to be open to unexpected, fine but there is an opportunity cost associated with it.
I do agree with you on other points. 50% is probably already high, and there might be other unintended consequences with high % in the system we are currently in, the system I believe that has a lot of issues. It is neither school’s, nor kids/parents’ fault. It is the system.

I have assumed that too. Thanks for the link. Even though it is not considered, the lower acceptance would still make NEU look better, but I still don’t believe they will offer free app like Tulane, but again who knows :smiley:

For middle-class family students, they may not qualify for financial aid, I would think ED should not hurt their chance of getting Merit Based Scholarship, but who knows

Yes, I agree. I was just trying to say that ED, in general, is used to benefit the wealthy families, but in NEU’s case where they meet 100% need, it would be beneficial for kids for low-income families as well.

Does Northeastern decision letter include Money/Scholarship information?

hey everyone! When do you think ED 2 results will be out?

The admissions site will show merit aid on a separate tab. It will also show need based aid on a separate tab if all the financial documents were submitted on time.

they accepted only 6% of applicants from EA? Did I understand correctly ?

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That’s what I heard. I am wondering what is the acceptance rate for ED1 and ED2?

The ED1 acceptance rate was around 33% based on unofficial reports. Acceptance rates do not include those offered NU In and NU Bound.

I asked a few days ago…the kind people on this site suggested that, though the official release date is “by Feb 15th”, Wednesdays are the pattern for NU so likely either Feb 2nd or Feb 9th. I would imagine it would be hard to turn around the ED2s a week after 50,000 EA decisions but maybe they did them simultaneously?

What about EA acceptance rate? Is the 6% number correct?

Daughter from MN was deferred (haven’t seen anyone from our state get in lol)

3.48W GPA
24 ACT but applied test optional
8 APs and 7 honors
170 hours of community service
125/475 class rank

Got into Tulane with same stats


Yes, based on the unofficial numbers that have been posted.

Thanks. Seems pretty crazy to see NEU’s EA acceptance rate close to those of the Ivies and other T20s!


We did some back-of-the envelope calculations based on a posting suggesting they would take 50% of the class via ED (and based on numbers already released from ED1)…based on this, it looks like maybe about 35% if I recall?