Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Right, but remember that it seems like the vast majority of those not accepted in EA have been deferred and it remains to be seen what will happen to those applicants. The 6% acceptance rate for Ivies involves mostly rejections.

Agreed. I was being tongue in cheek. Yes, clearly they are deferring a huge number of kids that should have got in, and showing Ivy level acceptance rates :unamused:


Yeah, but the vast majority of them are going to be rejected, sadly, anyway. 3,000 students admitted through EA, likely seeing a yield rate of around 33% or more, which was last years, means another ~1,000 students enrolled. ED1 saw about 880 admitted, with at least 95% to enroll, so nearly half of class of 26 has enrolled. 1500 applied ED2, likely seeing similar acceptance rate to ED1 of about 33%, means after all early rounds, about 2300 will likely be admitted, which is over half of the class. Northeastern probably wants to keep their class size to 4,000 or less to compensate for last years over enrollment, so they will probably only admit about 4-5,000 of the RD pool, which now includes all deferred EA/ED applicants. 33% yield of the RD admission sees about 1,500 enroll. Therefore, the acceptance rate will likely still be close to 6/7%.

Northeastern is becoming an extremely competitive school, and I’m all for it. Because they don’t require a supplement, many students apply with high stats and expect to get in because they fall back on it if they are rejected from ivies. Northeastern doesn’t want to be a fallback plan, they want to be THE plan.

I see them either keeping the acceptance rate around 6-7% for future years as their application cycle continues to grow in size or adding a supplement (either a 250 word or 500 word) to ensure that students who apply to Northeastern are actually interested in attending Northeastern. A supplement would sharply decrease applications and would force an increase in the admissions rate, but the yield would be much higher.


Yes, “Tufts syndrome”. But how do you convey that when there’s no supplemental essay?

Some will say go visit the campus. But not everyone can afford that (unless they live close by). Plus Covid has made that more challenging.

Yeah haha Tufts syndrome (sad face Tufts was my top choice).

I would say its a lot more than visits. I spent a lot of time emailing with my admissions officer, sending in supplements that I was suggested to write, additional documents about my application, etc. Those helped show that I truly wanted to go to Northeastern.

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:+1: Good stuff.

Helpful tips for future applicants. Thanks for sharing.

That’s so discouraging to hear, but probably accurate. I agree that they definitely should have added a supplement to their application. Truth hurts :sleepy:

My son is not seeing any information about how to show continued interest on the NEU website or in his portal. Should his LOCI, etc. just be submitted under “upload materials”? What is the latest these can be submitted (he has a shot at reaching a national competition so hoping to wait a bit)? Would other LOR be considered, since he has two that were not submitted in initial application? Sorry if these are silly questions, this is our first deferral so would appreciate any assistance or advice.

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A few years ago, a normal fall class would be closer to 2,800 but that number crept up to around 3,000 and caused some ripples in housing and class impacts
.this does not include NUin. Given last years super high yield, a class of 4,000 would be another significant hit to the campus operations.

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One of the stats that was purportedly from an “official” post on a site for admitted students (reposted here a week or two ago) said that the 880 students admitted via ED1 represented approximately 1/3 of the fall freshman class–which would suggest a class of about 2,640. This is much more in line with what you’re suggesting the typical class size has been (and would make sense given the toll this year’s huge freshman class seems to have taken)

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Daughter Accepted NUin, $12k merit
W Female, Midwest
35 ACT (36 SS)
I don’t know her other stats but straight A’s, lots of honors classes, AP’s, EC’s,
Varsity Captain
She indicated she wasn’t interested in NUin but still got it.


Meant to add: Biomedical Engineering

NU parent here.

Coming in with AP credits is certainly advantageous and a huge benefit. My student came in with the max credits allowed and will graduate in 4 years (6 academic semesters plus 2 co-ops). She has taken a summer course here and there when time and Covid allowed (NU temporarily had online summer classes). In addition, having credits in your bag also gives you an advantage when registering for classes—you get to register ahead of most people in your class.

Hope that helps!


Housing is guaranteed for all four years, but you are only required to live on-campus for the first two years.

With Covid, and for the first time ever (?), housing allowed exceptions to this rule and allowed sophomores to petition out of this requirement to live off-campus. Now, things are getting more “back to normal” and not sure this will continue. But with the over enrollment last cycle, maybe housing will continue allowing these petitions.

Funny exactly the same here midwest daughter, applied BME got the same offer, given stats the same and yes on the app we said no to NUin
The only thing which could top it if you’re from WI, too :slight_smile:

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Even with the overenrollment, NEU may not offer sophomores the option to move off campus bc all of the Boston colleges are under strict permit requirements to house their students. This is to avoid more gentrification and housing impacts on locals who live in the city near campuses. I’m sure it was allowed during Covid bc so many people left the city due to density issues but with offices reopening etc, I would not expect these waivers to be granted. I would expect the campus(es) to get back to more normal policies and operations again. NEU will be in a big pinch however bc they were able to utilize hotels (likely at a reasonable cost) due to fewer travelers in the area bc of Covid, but I imagine that too will change.

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Do you guys think ED2 decisions will come out tomorrow?

Yeah, I’m wondering how this will unfold as things open up around the city even more. My student moved off-campus at first opportunity so I get the impulse, but the upperclass on-campus housing is pretty nice imho, and my kiddo had a nice apartment.

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Does anyone know what NU is planning in terms of expansion of housing options? It seems like they need to consider purchasing/leasing hotels or nearby apartments long-term to deal with the overcrowding