Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Really? That would be almost two whole weeks before the official “by” date…but you seem to have your finger on the pulse :slight_smile:

Every year for the past five years, ED2 decisions have come out the first Wednesday of February and 1 week after EA decisions. While I cant be 100% on if they come out today, precedent shows that they will most likely come out today.

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Great to know (and I love a good pattern)…but to clarify, first Friday or first Wednesday?

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Oh my bad haha, first Wednesday

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oof damn, they really should send out an email detailing the decision dates :”)

I believe he means ED2 decisions come out the the first Wednesday of February - one or two weeks after EA. That’s what happened last year (EA = Jan 27; ED2 = Feb 3). In 2020, the decisions were two weeks apart but that’s because EA came out earlier (EA = Jan 22; ED2 = Feb 5). So history suggests today but obviously no guarantees. As for time, NEU seems to like releasing in the early evening - around 7 pm Eastern time.


omg same, good vibes only


How did you even find your AO’s email? I had to email general admissions whenever I had a question :stuck_out_tongue:

Should be in your application portal interface. As I recall from my D’s app, it was in the upper right hand corner of the form.

They defer people to lower their RD acceptance rate. Probably way lower, around 6% I’m guessing.

OMG, that sounds almost exactly like my stats! Hoping this means I have a shot!! Congrats to your daughter : D

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I found it online. is the email for all of the admissions office, and they would email you directly after. I didn’t have to email the office in general because someone else from my high school gave me the direct email for our admissions officer.

You can find your admissions officer here: Admissions Staff | Undergraduate Admissions

Good luck everyone!!!

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the acceptance rate will be low because there a major over enrollment last Fall due to a high yield. Northeastern cannot have that happen again.

I think I read that nubound students are not eligible to ever live on campus. Seems like they will always be in a different category even after they finish their year abound … NUin and regular admit students are eligible to live in dorms all 4 years.

From what I have discovered, NU Bound admits are not counted part of EA or ED, and if they accept that alternative arrangement, they’re not even considered NU students during their first year. But you write your checks to NU. So bottom line, while yes, it is a path to NU, there is most definitely a financial and statistical benefit to the university. I’ve said that about as nice as I can :slight_smile:


You are right. NUBound, like NUin, are students who are not officially Northeastern students while they are not matriculated. They pay Northeastern, but their official college is not under Northeastern, therefore they do not have to be considered part of the official matriculating first year class, nor part of admissions statistics.

I’m not even sure whether to mention to DC that it might come out today…I’m pretty sure they are not expecting it for at least another week and I’m thinking if it comes, it comes…why ramp up the already sky-high anxiety?

In any event, whether it’s today, next week, or on the 15th at 11:59pm (god, no), good luck to everyone whose kiddos are waiting to hear…I am a firm believer (as someone who was deferred…then rejected… from their “dream” school and then went on to have an amazing experience at another) that it really does work out in the end. I think this is even more true now than when we were kids, given how incredibly competitive the process has become (and how expensive college is now). As a result, there are so many amazing and talented kids everywhere…


The London location, New College for the Humanities, and Mills College (as of 7/1/2022) are part of Northeastern. The other locations are not.

Mills has yet to be finalized and there is a lot of issues with that, they will both be directly part of Northeastern but there are a lot of issues to figure out with them. As of now, NUin students, even those in Boston studying at the Boston campus, are not matriculated students.