Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Does anyone know when deferred kids will get result? In early April???

If you were deferred you will receive a decision with the RD applicants around March 20th.

Your stats are amazing, you will go places. Good luck!!

Deferred is not denied. My son was deferred EA and admitted RD with a Dean’s Scholarship that goes to the top 10-15% of the applicant pool. It seems counterintuitive that those kids would not be admitted EA, but there it is. You have lots of great choices. Good luck.


That’s wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

Did he do anything special after his deferral? examples: reach out directly to the AO, declare NEU as his top choice and commit to enroll if accepted, etc.


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I think he was voted sports team captain after the EA decision and sent a LOCI to the admissions officer telling them that. For stats watchers, he had a 4.0 uw/4.7 w GPA, 34 ACT, and 5 APs with scores of 5 and 4, and was in the top decile of class of 500 (no rank other than deciles). He got 20 credits at NU for his AP scores.


Thanks @Mom270. That’s helpful info for all of us who are currently in deferral limbo.

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A reminder that many high stat kids are deferred the early rounds for yield protection. They want to know if students drop out of the process to go elsewhere. Esp in this year’s tight admissions process, I would at least reach out to the AO and send a LOCI.


I mean, partially true. This is often the case for Northeastern in prior admissions cycles, but this year, with over 90k applicants, I think the reasons for so many deferrals is one, they want to have as many students as possible in one big pool so they can make the best decision on who to admit and who to reject, but also, Northeastern doesn’t require a supplement, so the vast majority of students who don’t really submit much demonstrated interest and have high stats are likely not worth considering in the early rounds and are pushed to regular admission.

Daughter accepted to Honors College, 35K in merit scholarship.


Congratulations! Wow. She is awesome! What is her stat?

accepted into nuin, ED2

gpa - 3.6 W
SAT - 1440(780 math, 660 r+w)
ecs(Business Development Internships, Sports, Service Clubs, App)

Business Major

9 APs(5 current, 4 taken(2 3s and 2 4s (only submitted the fours)))

full pay

international applicant


Wow. 35k all is Merit?


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1510 SAT (790 math / 720 r+w)
5.5 weighted / public school from TX/ all courses AP or IB
regular ECS


does northeastern send admission packages in the mail?

Yes our son got one a couple of day ago

I applied EA and was admitted but have yet to receive the package in the mail.

The package takes a while, trust me. I applied ED2 last year and was accepted and it took 3-4 weeks before I got my package.

My son is EA and just get the packet in mail last Friday. All general info. Merit info is online and not in the packet