NorthEastern Honors v/s Fordham Honors

My daughter got accepted to both NorthEastern and Fordham @Lincoln Center (both honors Early decision). Still waiting to hear from NYU and GW (regular decision). Northeastern gave her honors scholarship, Fordham have her presidential award which basically is a full ride.
She likes the co-op program at NE, but loves NYC, I am close to NYC (1.5 hrs) than Boston(3 hours), it has become a difficult choice considering the financials also.
What would you all experts recommends? How does she go about making the choice?

I presume you mean early action rather than early decision (which is binding)?

Both NYU and GW are likely to be significantly less generous, if that’s a factor, but I’d still wait to get all decisions in hand before deciding. I presume she has visited all of these? Which did she feel most “at home” at?

With the full ride, and assuming she doesn’t have a greater love for one campus over the other, I’d personally be inclined to go for Fordham - it’s a good college with Lincoln Center campus in a great location, and it’s my understanding that internships are pretty easy to come by (D19 had also applied there but withdrew on her NYU offer.)

Yes I do mean early action, I always gets confused over them both.
We have visited all campuses, I still believe her original choice was GW, but then she loved NE, she loves NYC in general. It is always a tough choice, but financials are great at Fordham.

My daughter didn’t apply at NEU but loved the other three too, so I know what you mean! If GW is first choice then definitely wait to see - you might get a nice offer from them too.