Northeastern Receives $60 Million Gift

<p>Northeastern</a> receives $60 million gift to name School of Business | news @ Northeastern</p>

<p>Two North<em>eastern Uni</em>ver<em>sity alumni—Richard D’Amore, BA’76, and Alan McKim, MBA’88—have joined forces to make the largest phil</em>an<em>thropic invest</em>ment in the university’s his<em>tory. As a result of their com</em>bined $60 mil<em>lion gift, Northeastern’s Col</em>lege of Busi<em>ness Admin</em>is<em>tra</em>tion will become the D’Amore-McKim School of Busi<em>ness. It will be the first col</em>lege or school to be named at Northeastern.</p>

<p>“Once in a gen<em>er</em>a<em>tion, his</em>tory is made in the life of a uni<em>ver</em>sity. This is one of those moments,” said North<em>eastern Pres</em>i<em>dent Joseph E. Aoun. “This unprece</em>dented invest<em>ment will allow our School of Busi</em>ness to build on its strength in global entre<em>pre</em>neurial pro<em>grams and make a quantum leap for</em>ward. It will also gal<em>va</em>nize our com<em>mu</em>nity and allow us to set our col<em>lec</em>tive sights even higher.”</p>

<p>D’Amore is a co-​​founder and gen<em>eral partner at North Bridge Ven</em>ture Part<em>ners, a ven</em>ture cap<em>ital firm based in Waltham, Mass. McKim is the founder and CEO of Clean Har</em>bors, the nation’s leading provider of envi<em>ron</em>mental, energy and indus*trial services.</p>

<p>The D’Amore-McKim School of Busi<em>ness will join other top busi</em>ness schools named for visionary bene<em>fac</em>tors. The record-​​breaking gift will have pro<em>found and lasting impacts across every dimen</em>sion of busi<em>ness edu</em>ca<em>tion and research. It is the fourth-​​largest gift to name a busi</em>ness school in the United States.</p>

<p>“North<em>eastern has had a huge impact on me—both per</em>son<em>ally and pro</em>fes<em>sion</em>ally,” said D’Amore. “I believe in making invest<em>ments in win</em>ning insti<em>tu</em>tions. North<em>eastern has remark</em>able momentum today, and under the lead<em>er</em>ship of Pres<em>i</em>dent Aoun, I know this is a great invest*ment. I hope that what Alan and I are doing will inspire others to do the same.”</p>

<p>Alumni Richard D’Amore, BA’76, (center) and Alan McKim, MBA’88, (right) look over design pro<em>to</em>types dis<em>playing the busi</em>ness school’s new name. Photo by Mary Knox Merill.
The two alumni met in 2004 when they teamed up to endow a pro<em>fes</em>sor<em>ship cur</em>rently held by Pro<em>fessor Daniel McCarthy, a promi</em>nent member of the busi<em>ness fac</em>ulty at North*eastern and a mentor to both D’Amore and McKim.</p>

<p>“As an entre<em>pre</em>neur, I believe in sup<em>porting entre</em>pre<em>neurial insti</em>tu<em>tions,” said McKim. “I strongly sup</em>port the mis<em>sion and cur</em>rent lead<em>er</em>ship at North<em>eastern, and I’m proud to join with Rich and make this invest</em>ment. It will be an honor to have my name for<em>ever asso</em>ci*ated with this great university.”</p>

<p>Prior to the D’Amore-McKim gift, the largest dona<em>tion received by North</em>eastern was $20 mil<em>lion given by Bernard Gordon in 2006, which estab</em>lished the Gordon Engi<em>neering Lead</em>er<em>ship Pro</em>gram and the Gordon Center for Sub<em>sur</em>face Sensing and Imaging Systems.</p>

<p>Both D’Amore and McKim grew up in the Boston area and enrolled in Northeastern’s Col<em>lege of Busi</em>ness Admin<em>is</em>tra<em>tion as under</em>grad<em>u</em>ates. Although both dropped out, they were each drawn back to the col<em>lege that would later become their alma mater and, ulti</em>mately, bear their names. D’Amore received an under<em>grad</em>uate busi<em>ness degree and McKim a master’s in busi</em>ness administration.</p>

<p>Over the past five years, D’Amore and McKim have become actively engaged with the uni<em>ver</em>sity as mem<em>bers of the Board of Trustees. Their prior gifts focused on inno</em>va<em>tion and entre</em>pre<em>neur</em>ship, core values that span col<em>leges and dis</em>ci*plines at Northeastern.</p>

<p>“On behalf of the entire North<em>eastern Uni</em>ver<em>sity community—and our future stu</em>dents, fac<em>ulty and alumni—I want to thank Rich and Alan for their vision, sup</em>port and the trust they’ve placed in us,” added Aoun. “As entre<em>pre</em>neurs, Rich and Alan make invest<em>ments in high-​​value propo</em>si<em>tions. All of us will ensure that the impact of their gen</em>erosity will be felt for many generations.”</p>

<p>The new gift comes at a time of tremen<em>dous momentum for North</em>eastern. The uni<em>ver</em>sity has received record-​​breaking appli<em>ca</em>tions in recent years—both in quan<em>tity and quality—and external recog</em>ni<em>tions of the university’s suc</em>cess are at an all-​​time high. North<em>eastern has also reached new levels of suc</em>cess in research funding and phil<em>an</em>thropic support.</p>

<p>The School of Busi<em>ness has been cited by var</em>ious busi<em>ness pub</em>li<em>ca</em>tions for the excel<em>lence of its pro</em>grams in expe<em>ri</em>en<em>tial learning, entre</em>pre<em>neur</em>ship and inter<em>na</em>tional pro<em>grams. Its com</em>bi<em>na</em>tion of global entre<em>pre</em>neurial pro<em>grams is unmatched in busi</em>ness edu<em>ca</em>tion at the under<em>grad</em>uate level. The School is under the lead<em>er</em>ship of a new dean, Hugh Courtney, who began his tenure at North*eastern in July.</p>

<p>What’s with all the *'s in your post?</p>

<p>Today is a great day for the school - $60 million and a nice lift on the US news college rankings which came out today!</p>



<p>That’s the way the paste job showed up.</p>