Northeastern Stamps Scholarship vs. Brown

What is your opinion on the Stamps Scholarship (Free tuition, room & board, etc. + stipend) at Northeastern vs. Brown University - major is in liberal arts field

What is the bottom-line cost at Brown? Can you afford that without excess loans?

What is the cost at Brown and would it cause financial strain on the family to have to pay?

Truth is, change NEU to Northern Iowa - you had me sold at Stamps Scholarship.

And NEU is no slouch - obviously loaded with smart kids, namely yourself - and coming from an LAC field, having a co op will be a bonus since it’s often hard for these kids to land a position or often even to define a position that matches their desires (often these don’t exist).

And that having college paid for is also a boon to employers - that’s on your resume and you could talk about it/brag about it - I was awarded $350K based on my hard work.

Brown is the ego boost for life - hey I got in - vs. NEU going for free.

Two major questions:

  1. How much will Brown be after FA (and will this be a hardship)?
  2. What are the post college plans (field, employment, grad school, geography)?
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I have a nephew who is a senior at NEU and a kid that recently graduated from Brown.

Entirely different types of kids, environments, academic settings, curriculums etc.

If simply a financial question the answer is self evident. If you are asking about fit that is personal and happy to help.

Post grad my nephew has locked down a solid set of career options based on his coop experience. Brown on the other hand afforded a great deal of “high end” on campus recruiting, an active alumni network and several job opportunities and career options.

You are in an enviable position. If cost isn’t burdensome I would lean into Brown but really depends on what you are seeking during your college years and who you are.

If you are looking for insight (vs financial advice) I would rely on people with first hand experience as both schools are somewhat unique.

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What kind of education are you looking for? And like everyone else has asked- can you afford Brown?

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Congratulations on the Stamps Scholarship. That’s a big deal.

Any Stamps Scholar has the potential to do amazing things, regardless of where they attend.

Northeastern has its internship programs as a major plus, if the student is interested in that. Brown, of course, has its own advantages. You will know about its open curriculum. Brown will probably have more engaging liberal arts courses

Without knowing the financial situation, it’s hard to make a good recommendation. Is grad school likely? If so, I would be inclined to save the money and attend Northeastern. If you’re able to attend Brown full pay with no financial hardship, and you like the more creative and intellectual feel, go there.

Regardless, both will offer a good education. It’s really a question of finances and environment.


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