Northeastern to require all students to be vaccinated for fall semester

You could always have him attend remotely from his bedroom in your house, so that his professors don’t have to put their lives at risk to teach classes in-person.


I hope your young adult is free to make medical decisions on his or her own.


Add Brown University to the list.


I’m also wondering how the roommate situation will work…thinking vaccinated students might only want to live with other vaccinated students, leaving those unvaccinated due to exemptions to room only with each other.

I hope schools honor requests if a vaccinated student only wants to live with another vaccinated student.

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Do you have a source for your statistic? Also…the 3 vaccines approved in the US aren’t experimental, they do have emergency use authorization…and last I checked we are in fact in an emergency.

We’re assuming he’s over 18 - he can get vaccinated without your consent. If he did, what are you going to do - refuse to pay for his chosen college because you don’t want him to attend a college that requires vaccination?

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No one is forcing you to send your child anywhere. If s/he agrees with you about the vaccination it wouldn’t be a good place for them anyway. If they disagree, I hope you’d consider letting them make their own decision since they’re of age to do so.

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I do not support the vaccine being mandatory for this same reason. However, I am leaving it up to my kids if they want to get vaccinated or not. I imagine even the one that doesn’t want it will do it if it’s required to stay at school. I can’t believe that our choice to do with our body what we wish may soon be taken away. Where are all the pro-choice folks who say women should have control over their own bodies? (I’m pro-choice btw.)


Only professors who did not get vaccinated would be at risk, and that would be by choice.


No one is required to get the vaccine. If you want to attend Northeastern, Brown, Cornell, Rutgers etc. you will need a vaccine. You are free to attend a university that doesn’t require vaccines.

Same as people complaining about having to submit all that personal financial information to get financial aid. It is not required. You are free to be full pay.


Not necessarily. An immunocompromised state, allergy to vaccine components, etc. are not “choices”. And it’s not just the professors. The food service workers, people who clean the dorms, etc etc. If all students in a campus community who are medically able to get the vaccine do so, the more vulnerable around them are safer by giving the virus fewer and fewer hosts. But never mind, silly me, if this year has taught me anything it’s that everyone’s personal choice is way more important than doing what’s best for one’s community.


First, if your child is already attending college, and that college decides to require it, it’s not easy to transfer out. Second, it looks like all schools will likely end up requiring it.

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All staff, faculty and administrators should also be required to get vaccinated subject to the same exemptions. I find it curious that schools are all in mandating to the students but just encourages everyone else who is also part of campus life.


Yes I agree, I said “all students” in my post but should have said “all community members”. It’s not right to mandate for the students but not everyone in the campus community.


I agree. But to require unionized employees to be vaccinated would require an amendment to the contract. Also, faculty and other employees who refuse may be required to work from home.

Well they can just stay home too or get a different job. If you’re at higher risk and you refuse the vaccine that’s on you.


But many faculty and/or other employees can’t work from home…I don’t think most schools are going to continue to offer online classes, although some may. Good thing there are many high quality online schools (WGU, SNHU, ASU, etc.).

You have the right to choose whether to get vaccinated or not. You do not have right to attend Northeastern if you aren’t vaccinated. Not comparable to the right to an abortion.


not wanting to take an experimental “vaccine” is not the same as being an anti-vaxxer


It is not an experimental vaccine.