Northeastern to require all students to be vaccinated for fall semester
“All students returning to Northeastern University’s campuses for the Fall 2021 term will be expected to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the first day of classes, university officials said today. This announcement comes as the university advances its plan for a return to full-time, in-person learning in September while supporting the safety of Northeastern’s campuses and broader community.”


unless they have a medical or religious exemption.

Good, I’m glad about this. I hope every college does the same so kids and colleges can get back to normal— or nearly normal—living.


I agree!

This is hitting the Boston media and it is interesting to read the responses on Facebook. The anti-vaxxers are swearing that they would never send their kids to Northeastern.

Northeastern is the first Massachusetts college to make the vaccine mandatory. I am sure that most others will follow.


This is a win-win for Northeastern. They get a healthier campus, and get another way to filter out those that are less intelligent.


I expect this to be the norm soon and will admit I’m on the bandwagon with those who are glad to see it.

I think places requiring the vax will be the assistance needed to try to conquer Covid as best as possible, because voluntary only gets so far and gov’t mandates (vs place/business mandates) goes too far. One can still opt out and not participate this way.

I guess it will depend upon how many use the exemptions. Just those who truly need it or countless others?

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Not sure how the religious exemption will work. Would they just need a note from an anti-vax minister (of which there are many) or would it have to be an established doctrine of a religion?


I suspect it will just be a box they need to check saying it’s their religious belief.

Right now I bet it’s only in there to reduce lawsuits. If more places get on the bandwagon it might not be needed, esp if Covid wanes significantly as most people get vaccinated rather than holding out over doubts or a few side effects.

When I saw most of the people getting vaxed at CVS yesterday being young people, including many who looked like they were college aged, I saw more light at the end of the tunnel, esp since at least some of these “kids” traveled a bit to get there.

We might hear about those who are vocal dissing it, but many are not in that group. I expect younger folks in school are among those who most want to get back to normal and college students should have the reasoning power to see this as an answer.

IRL I see more parents who are anti-vax than kids in my circles. Some of these kids even go get vaxed themselves once they are old enough to make their own decisions.


Knowing Northeastern I doubt if it will be that simple.

I believe CT either has done so or has pending legislation to eliminate religious exemptions from school immunization guidelines. The only exemptions will be medical exemptions.

But I was under the impression that while these are EUA vaccines, they can’t be required. But I am guessing a private university can make its own decision. Then again…Rutgers apparently has made the same decision.

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Cornell and Rutgers have done the same and there are a few more LACs too. Others will be no doubt be following suit very soon… intrigued to see how Florida’s universities will react.

DeSantis earlier this week: “It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society," he said Monday during a press conference.

Alot of OOS students may choose to rescind their acceptance to FL unis if they don’t feel safe. Think DeSantis might have bitten off more than his nose with his executive order banning vaccine passports…

Wise decision. Hope they won’t accept religious exemptions, since the choice not to get immunized puts everyone else on campus at risk. Hopefully, most other schools will announce this right away, too.


My son is planning on going to Rutgers in the fall, and maybe his twin sister too. There are so many parents complaining on the Facebook parents page. I have 5 kids between the ages of 18 - 24, they want to be vaccinated (1 already is), all of their friends do as well.



DeSantis might consider it unacceptable, but I suspect he’s in the minority. I also think private businesses - cruise ships (didn’t they already announce it?), schools, and anywhere else can opt for proof to try to keep their employees and clients safer.

Those for whom this is a deal breaker will make those on the waitlist very happy.


My kid got registered at 12:01 AM on the first day that 16+ were made eligible, and got first dose Pfizer 14 hrs later, on that very day. He cannot wait to be two weeks out from the second dose!


Insanity. I will never send my child to a college that requires he take an as-yet-experimental injection to protect against a virus that has a 99.998% recovery rate for his age group.


Not all members of the community are in your son’s age group. He won’t be missed.


So when your kids school makes a similar announcement later this year what will you do?