Northeastern University 2019 EA

@adpns. Not sure why you take @TomSrOfBoston comment as somehow denigrating to the NUin program. Perhaps you can clarify? As I recall from my NU application, I was asked if I was interested in applying for the NUin and, if so, how great my interest was. It makes sense to me, from an admissions allocation calculus, that the school may use NUin preferences to assign desirable students to NUin, rather than to the Boston campus. It may also be a way to delay on-campus freshmen to facilitate taking more desirable students. This may be more of the sense of what @TomSrOfBoston is saying, although I do not want to put words in his posts. This is not uncommon. There are many schools that offer alternative campuses for first semester freshman. It is a way for the school to admit desirable candidates without overstocking their freshman class on the main campus. Since these are still admits, just starting in the spring, I hardly see this as a diss to those students. Personally, I view it as an opportunity and, ultimately, achievement of my goal to gain admission to that school. Also, it is ultimately up to the applicant. Presumably, if I do not express a strong preference for NUin, but it is offered as an alternative to immediate fall Boston campus admission, I may opt for that to gain admission to NEU. There are some very fine undergraduate institutions that offer the same option. NYU is a great example of first semester abroad options. As you point out, however, NUin is not just about acumen and temperament. The costs are steep and merit-based scholarships do not transfer to offset the costs of the international program.

@CAWSLP My daughter also applied CMU and USC. Did you daughter tried SMU. Their presidential scholarship is very generous. Although there is no Game Design undergraduate program, but their BFA/MS graduate program in Game is ranked No1 by Princeton Review

@CAWSLP and University of Utah. Their presidential scholarship is also very nice.

The official wait begins—anytime this week is fair game really

Ahhhh anxiety!!!

Has anyone ever heard of them releasing decisions on a Monday?

@St678557 I heard they release decisions on a Thursday.

@westcoastjunior yeah me too. Although someone else in the thread said they’ve released on other days.

I think we will all be paying close attention to emails and tweets from Northeastern this week and then we will know for sure.

And if anyone hears from northeastern or gets any reliable hint as to when decisions are released, please share in this thread!

I can’t recall decisions ever coming out on a Monday or Friday in the past 5 years. They always start between 3PM and 5PM, so honestly just check Tuesday-Thursday at 5PM here to see if decisions are going out. Otherwise it’ll be next week. Unless you’re in MA or New England, you won’t get decisions until around 7-9PM your local time for people on the continental US. Generally set expectations for Thursday so you aren’t likely to be disappointed, though again, there’s no guarantee it is this week.

Thank you! @PengsPhils

Last year EA decisions came out on Jan. 18 which was a thursday, ED decisions this year came out on a thursday, I’d say this thursday is likely.

ED decisions came out 12/5/18—a Wednesday—this application season. ?

Do decisions come out by area? Like would people in New England get their decisions first?

In waves by area starting in NE

Okay thanks! @Cholo19

Anyone receive anything?

Anyone else get an email from northeastern’s financial aid office saying they were missing financial aid materials? freaking out a little bit here, please let me know!!!

Not yet :confused: