Northeastern University 2019 EA

@TomSrOfBoston @St678557
I looked back to their twitter posts, last year people posted on here they got in @4:00pm while @nuadmissions posted at 4:07pm.

nothing on twitter. The wait continues

I doubt they’re coming out today. My guess is the 16th or 17th. Does anyone know what time of day they usually come out? Is it all at once or waves by region?

@rblock19 see post #98

predictions on the nfl divisional weekend games? I want to see Foles go all the way.

@rochellka Last year decisions came out on January 18th, not the 15th.

Online portal or via email for decision?

Is the rumor true that the format of the portal changes when your decision has been uploaded but not yet released?

@camcam2022 You will get an email that the decisions are ready, but the decision is on your portal. You may also be able to see the decision on your portal before you get the actual email.

@St678557 In the past there have been no portal changes leading up to the release of decisions at Northeastern. It was Boston University that had the portal changes that resulted in over 2000 posts on that thread here on CC speculating about what each change meant.

When are EA decisions coming out?

Ugh!!! Never. Ok? They are NEVER coming out!

Sounds good.

Read the thread. It must be posted and discussed a dozen times.

@cusnew - what @BrooklynRye is trying to say is read through the thread. That question has been asked and answered with best guesses based on previous years numerous times.

I initially selected that my preference was participating in, but I’m no longer interested in that program. If I’m admitted into, can I choose to decline and enter Boston campus fall semester?

@dot228 No, a NUIn admit decision is final. I do not believe that you can make NUIn a first choice on the application. It just means that if you are not chosen for Boston Fall admission then they may offer you NUIn.

@TomSrOfBoston your post makes it sound like NUin students are not as worthy as students accepted to the Boston campus. I just returned from London and I can tell you that I was surrounded by incredibly brilliant students who are overachievers. My stats were much higher than the average admit. 1/3 of the Freshman class spent the first semester abroad. I have been told by President Aoun, multiple Deans, and my advisor that NUin students are chosen based in their maturity and experiences which lend to their ability to be successful in the NUin environment. I also think there is a financial piece because you have to be able to afford $35k with no grants, aid, or loans. @dot228 if you get accepted to NUin, consider yourself lucky. You will have a great experience, make lifelong friends, and be ready for any bit of adversity for the rest of your time at NU. Other Freshman are jealous when they hear about the experience we had and the friendships we made. Message me if you want to talk more.

@TomSrOfBoston there are 3 choices on the app. Strongly interested, somewhat and not at all. I’m assuming the student above chose strongly.

I chose somewhat interested when I applied but now I wish I had chosen that as my first choice! It would be amazing to start off college abroad!