Northeastern University 2019 EA

I’d check the portal if I were you

Anybody know if scholarships are revealed the same day as decisions? If not, does anyone know when they usually come out?


So I guess Thursday is the day?

all scholarships and financial aid are revealed with your decision. Says so on the portal

@lilboat3 Merit aid is announced along with admission decisions. Need based aid is announced at the same time if all of your paper work was submitted on time.

good luck to everyone who applied EA!! :slight_smile:

@rblock19 My son also received the missing financial aid info email before Christmas. I think the CSS was one missing piece, which we did not submit. He emailed and told them it was not submitted because he would not qualifty for need based aid, but did want to be considered for merit aid. They told him all was fine with that scenario and to disregard the request basically.

@kforty2 They requested the asset clarification form- and I want to be considered for both financial and merit aid. It turns out it’s not a MISSING material, but rather they want additional materials. Does this mean anything in terms of admissions? Like, if I was denied, would they even be requesting additional stuff?

@rblock19 I have no idea. On the one hand my older son received a similar request from a school that ended up denying him, on the other hand, it’s so close to decisions being released it seems silly to request that info now if they haven’t already decided to admit you. Hopefully it’s a positive sign - good luck!

Nothing yett… the wait continues

Tomorrow could be the day! What do you guys want to study at NU? I want to study physic and theater (weird combination I know)!

I heard from a pretty reliable source it will be at least Jan 23rd for EA…so hang tight!

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@kaygall18 that’s cool! I wanna study behavioral neuroscience

@ProudDad13 how do you know? who did you hear that from

@kaygall18 I want to do a combined major of communication studies and theatre through the college of arts, media, and design (CAMD)!

@kaygall18 I want to do a combined major of computer science and design. Good luck everybody!

Cant really devulge…but i would say its more then likely true.

@ProudDad13 might be an admissions intern among us :o
Is there any evidence for the 23rd? An email or something? NU is my first decision from a non safety and i’m anxious

sorry…that is all i know…could be later