Northeastern University 2019 EA

It would say status update at the top is my guess. You’ll know when its there, it will be prominent.

Should first batch be around 4? the anxiety is killing me!!

Omgggg I’m getting so nervous!!!


It’s a hope. Don’t get too excited yet people.

@locomoco223 This is a hope and a good guess. Last year decisions came out this time, so we’re hoping it’ll come out today!

Does anyone know if they communicated via email as to when the decisions will be released in past years?

@pk100101 Nope. They always kinda made it a surprise. Last year that didn’t know when it would be.

@St678557 No idea.

@pk100101 They never have.

Is 4pm the latest the decisions would be released today?

Someone should call. I can’t I’m in school.

4pm is the earliest I’m pretty sure

Anything other than a rejection would make me happy!! Ahh I’m waiting . Hate the suspense

@gsbc12 calling is a waste of time. They will tell you before Feb 1.

i believe 7 is the latest time that they will send out decisions so the wait is not for much longer! either way, today is only a guess based off one year’s release date, so i’d advise all to stay patient and refrain from calling if you don’t see it today or tomorrow. good luck :slight_smile:

@Ezga3969 I’ve seen you on so many college threads… looks like we have similar college lists lmao

Good luck everyone!

they come in hourly waves?

Anyone hear back?

I live right near Boston and no decision :frowning: