Northeastern University 2019 EA

ours says that as well

Yeah, it might not mean anything. I just thought it was strange that there was a specific ViewDefer, but there wasn’t a ViewAdmit or ViewReject.

@dragon8301 mine says so too. I don’t think it means anything

@dragon8301 mine says ViewDefer as well

mine says view defer dk why this is stressing me out so much but im sure its nothing

@2023nda @kaygall18 @rochellka @dragon8301

I googled “viewdefer” and came across this:
If you scroll down you will see that "viewdefer’ is part of the programming gibberish this guy got with an error:
AltMem = No
ViewDefer = YES
ErrorLogFile =

ViewDefer means nothing regarding admissions.

So then every applicant who is missing financial aid items gets a call?

Yeah this means nothing because the page source is called predecision.asp which implies that anything on there means nothing.

This is Java folks. Don’t stress about the code.

Keep in mind when Northeastern’s early action decisions are released MANY students will simply be deferred to regular decision! That happened to most if not all of the qualified applicants I know. If this happens and you are still genuinely interested, keep the faith and continue to show interest! Many will later be accepted. Best of luck.

This is the first application cycle with no supplemental essay. They changed the requirement this October


There was never a supplemental essay. They attempted to add an “additional info” section, but people took it as a supplement so they removed the question. The question was added only a few months before.

@TomSrOfBoston But has anyone posted this old link yet this year? Great video, I’d love to know how accuate it is for 2019!

@kforty2 haha! That’s such a funny video! Thanks for sharing it!

so are we thinking tomorrow?

@kforty2 I think the Taco Bell has closed. :slight_smile:

why would we be thinking tomorrow? isn’t aren’t we expecting the earliest is 23rd?

Can anyone tell me how much Northeastern values an applicant taking interest in their school?? I saw on last year’s thread that a ton of students got rejected or deferred with high stats because Northeastern thought that those students were using them as a safety and wanted to get away from that ideology of being an ivy student’s safety school.

I would guess any weekday between tomorrow and 2/1 is fair game. Probably won’t be today because of the holiday and if they haven’t done weekends before, unlikely they will now.

@gle4766 this worries me too. I have a kid who thinks this is the first choice but not sure how to have shown more interest. It would be terrible to be rejected for not loving them enough when the kid really, really loves them!