Northeastern University 2019 EA

There is a button in the portal where you can request to change your major.

What other forums are useful? I like this one but I’d love to hear of more.

How do you write a LOCI without being forceful or sounding wrong (I don’t know if that makes sense or not).

Chance me for ea?
Public highschool in Maryland
Unweighted: 3.89 weighted: 4.65
Act: 35
Two sport varsity athlete
Decent extracurriculars
Unique and well written essay
Got in ea to boston college
Only demonstrated interest is emailing about the ex-supplemental question

What other forums do you belong to?

@california01 It definitely shouldn’t sound forceful. Explain to the admissions officer why you love the school, thank them for deferring you, and update them with any substantial honors/extracurriculars you’ve accomplished since applying.

A friend of mine was accepted early action yesterday.

Doubtful. Earlier postings of EA acceptances have always been people reporting a friend was accepted, never the actual person reporting their own acceptance.

@TomSrOfBoston believe me or don’t. I was with my friend yesterday and she definitely opened an early action acceptance.

Kind of like a Golden Ticket to Willie Wonka’s factory. She may be the only one on the Chocolate Tour!

Also, FWIW, NEU posts release of current decision round on its admissions Twitter feed contemporaneous with the actual release. Feed still shows announcement of ED1 release 12/5.

@brooklynrye she isn’t the only one. I have seen twitter and Instagram posts of other kids who got accepted yesterday. I only mentioned my friend because I was there to see her acceptance.

@kcgirl316 - I don’t doubt your sincerity, just find it very hard to believe that nothing official has been published by NEU and there has been no large scale wave of EA decisions, and yet a few of your friends/acquaintances report EA decisions.

The reason for that is probably because a majority of the decisions aren’t out yet. However, a few students were definitely accepted yesterday.

Again, don’t doubt your sincerity, but why would this be the case? Can you have one of your friends post firsthand?

@brooklynrye well I’m not the only one to see this. If you look a little earlier in the thread you will see that other people have said they’ve seen people getting accepted too.

There were posts talking about “EA” acceptances that turned out to be ED decisions. Some were posted and the poster never responded to follow-up questions. If what you are saying is correct, then NEU has been floating out limited EA decisions for weeks prior to the general wave of decisions. Find this hard to believe, particularly in the absence of any empirical evidence.

My friend does not have a collegeconfiderntial account and will not be making one just so she can confirm her acceptance. You say you don’t doubt my sincerity but since you clearly do, why don’t you just wait let it be and wait for your own decision

It is one thing to send out the general wave in staggered timings, e.g., New England followed by other regions. To send out targeted acceptances would really push the smell test of equitable decision-making. Not a good look if true.

@kcgirl316 Hiw did your friend get her acceptance? Portal, email, US mail? And where is she (geographically)? Do you know of any reason she would have heard earlier than the masses?