Northeastern University 2019 EA

Food for thought: if you happen to be deferred EA, are your chances of receiving a merit scholarship significantly reduced or even zero? In other words, if you are deferred in the early round, should you expect to pay full price if admitted RD (assuming no financial aid)?

@wondering84 A large number of people are deferred every year including many students with high stats. Many are admitted RD with merit. You can check last year’s RD decision thread here on CC.

@maneobjective No one knows. Decisions have never been released before 3 PM Eastern time.

Thank you all for responding to my question about changing major.

@TomSrOfBoston thank you! I do believe that if they follow the pattern, decisions will be released after 5pm on Thursday however the nerves are killing me. Also, does anyone get flat out rejected from EA without chance of deferral? If so, how common is that?

@maneobjective Rejections do occur in EA but are not super common. That said, there is both selection and reporting bias involved in the perception from a college confidential viewpoint, both attracting more generally qualified students and additionally making rejected students less likely to post.

I think they treat EA rejections as a first level filter of “there is absolutely no chance” while deferring everyone else from “likely not but TBD on the RD pool” to “absolutely but we don’t think this person is actually interested”. Again, an EA deferral is not a soft rejection at Northeastern.

Son rejected last year. He is a first-gen URM from a small town in Iowa. UW GPA: 4.0 ACT: 35 SAT: 1600 SAT Math II: 800 SAT Chemistry: 790 SAT Physics: 800 Applied as a mathematics major. EC’s: Iowa State Debate Champion, USMO qualifier, research with Stanford professor on AIDS, NHS president, Habitat For Humanity volunteer. His rec letters and essays were fantastic. I was shocked.

Chance me for early action please
SAT: 1460 (790 Math 670 Critical R/W)
GPA: 96.5625 (our school doesn’t use the 4.0 scale)
Class Rank: 69/526
13 honors level courses and 7 AP courses total in high school
ECs: National Honor Society
FBLA (leadership position)
Economics and Finance Team
National Italian Honor Society
Varsity Cross Country, 3 Season Athlete
500+ Volunteer Hours to organization with students with disabilities in sports
100+ Volunteer Hours at the library
Learning Center Tutor
Demographics: White Male (middle class)

The “chance me” thing is so dumb. People with near-perfect stats get rejected/deferred all the time and students with lower stats get in all the time or vice-versa. Acceptances are so random so there’s no way to chance someone. Anyways, most of us are either high school students or parents so why would you trust our opinion? Sharing stats is kind of pointless.

February 1st is my 18th birthday. I’m hoping that if they are on the fence about my acceptance, they will accept me as a birthday gift

I agree with @bartierbrina You never really know what an admissions office would want. Also, they all individually vote so some might really like you but some might not. On the UMass Amherst thread there was someone that got rejected while I got deferred. They had 220 points higher on their sat score and the same gpa as me. I chose Nursing which is a harder major with only 12% acceptance at UMASS while they did biology which had a higher acceptance. Schools look at you as a whole person and there’s no real way of guessing if the school will let you in or not. In the end, it’s really what the school views you not only academically but as a overall person.

@maxpugh19 Happy early birthday!

@Azleah Thanks Much!

@gle4766 so many ppl read ur application then vote?

A lot of people fail to recognize the importance of your essay. My boyfriend’s dad interviews prospective students for Stanford and they essentially coached him on the whole admissions process and what they look for. He said the big three things that are all weighed equally are your grades, your test scores, and your essay. A lot of people underestimate the importance of the essay and will work really hard on all the other aspects of their applications but then slack off on the essay, which will cause qualified people with high stats to get deferred or even rejected. Obviously all schools are different in who they admit/don’t admit but what they’re going to be looking for is generally going to be the same. Basically what I’m trying to say is, chancing people solely off of their gpa and test scores does not provide an accurate picture of who the person is as an applicant. I get that people are just nervous and are trying to calm their nerves but it’s not going to be very helpful because in the end, the only opinion that matters is the one of whoever is viewing your application. That being said, I wish the best of luck to everyone and hopefully we’ll hear back soon :slight_smile:


No he wasn’t.

It’s apparently a slow day in the local public HS of one northern NJ town based on the troII posts this morning. Don’t you guys have a class to go to?

Thank you for watching out for all of us, Ski.

Hey how much do you guys believe will be tuition after everything is said and done for a rising freshman?

Hey! I don’t know if anyone will know the answer to this, but if I live in Maryland but I am in Chicago this week and decisions are released, would I receive my decision during the Maryland wave or during the Illinois wave?

@kxsmxs29 as I’ve heard Northeastern meets 100% of full demonstrated aid so they’ll give you however much you need to attend depending on your parents’ income. So it really depends.