Northeastern University 2019 EA

@gle4766 It is based on the parents income, assets, investments, other students in college at the same time etc. etc. Northeastern is also need aware in admissions.

Kay - Your email is your email and your address is your address. NEU is not tracking you to re-time your decision as you move between time zones.

@BrooklynRye You mean I can’t go to Hong Kong to find out a day earlier?

The thanks go to the eagle-eyed users who spotted the troII (all 3 iterations of him) and flagged the posts for us to review. One would think he’d get the hint the first time he was banned. :open_mouth:

Hi Skierrope, Looks like you are referring to a post by ~okokoko with the stats of her/his son. Was that a tr0ll ? I am new to this forum so pardon my silly question. I was really shocked to see her/his son got rejected with such awesome stats and experince. Thanks for watching out for us.

What time does northeastern usually tweet that they are releasing decisions? Is it like an hour beforehand, 30 mins, 15, etc?

Updated post: Sorry, it had changed a word in my last post. I apologize for my novice mistakes.

@collegechick000 it is simultaneous with the initial release. It is not an advance notice.

@star2015 You are new here on CC. Don’t believe everything you read. :wink:

Yes, as were HenryCCC and NotHenryCCC, whose posts were also deleted. Sometimes these spammers just make it too easy for the mods to uncover them. :slight_smile:

Follow up on @collegechick000 's question…anyone have the username for the NEU admissions account?

the handle on twitter is @NUAdmissions

Thank you!

According to my college counselor, Northeastern decisions should be released tomorrow evening (after school hours). Good luck everyone!

@ripple46 if you don’t mind me asking how does your counselor know??

@ripple46 Is your college counselor @ProudDad13 ??

@gle4766 Their counselor knows no more than the rest of us. Results will be released when they are ready and before Feb 1. We would all like for it to be today. Anybody’s feelings on this don’t matter as they aren’t informed by anyone in the Admissions Office

@TomSrOfBoston So NE does not send an email or make a statement on the release time in advance of the decision? Usually, the day of, or a few days in advance, schools will let everyone know the time of release. That’s not the case with NE?

@marcerino In the past there has been no advance notice.

Nothing as of 4pm

nothing for my daughter here in NY just checked.