Northeastern University 2019 EA

Does it have to come out at 4 pm?

it is true that counselors essentially don’t know any more than we do, but the counselors at my schools have networked really well with reps from the north east like NU, mich, chic, penn. my counselor said to expect them on thursday and i’m oos in maryland. hope this helps anyone in the same position, but still take it with a grain of salt :slight_smile:


To be clear and accurate, your college counselor has no inside information and is playing the same guessing game as everyone else here. Just sayin’.

Does anyone know if I can change my EA to an ED II at this point?

Again this is all speculation but I went to the Northeastern deposit site and it said it will be down on Thursday from 6-9am so it’s very likely the decisions will be released Thursday

That’s always a good sign.

I wish it just came out already, I’m tired of waiting to hear from a school that isn’t a safety

@rochellka you can’t the deadline to switch was January first. I’ve already tried to make the switch and I emailed the admissions counselor and he said no

Am I the only one furiously hitting the refresh button on this forum hoping that someone has an update lol. Anyway, a question for all those who want to answer. If I have had several interactions with an admissions officer (met them and exchanged some emails about my application and what not), does that change anything in my file? Does it demonstrate interest? Or is it “just emails”?

depends on the type of emails and they’ll usually include “i will note your continued interest” in their response if it applies. don’t stress about it, if you weren’t getting in without the emails you likely wouldn’t be affected by them.

@rochellka Wouldn’t that indicate that decisions will be released on Wednesday?

I’d be shocked if it wasn’t tomorrow from what i’ve heard

@St678557 like I said, it’s all speculation and I would much rather it be sooner than later

@Ezga3969 he seemed very friendly in person and the emails I will say did not mention anything about my continued interest but as far as I’m concerned he knows that NEU is my top choice. I do know however that he is not the only one reviewing my application so I do not want to stress about this at all. Other than that I’m just very nervous for the release because it could occur within the next 48 hours!

My counselor said that she heard directly from the school (or school representative). I’m not sure what you mean by “to be clear and accurate;” that’s why I said, “should.” I don’t think she is guessing. Calling it a “guessing game” doesn’t sound clear or accurate either. And if they don’t come out tomorrow, they must have changed something since the time they notified my counselor.

You should skip undergrad and go directly to law school @ripple46. Your counselor is 100% correct unless she’s wrong in which case they changed something and she’s still correct. Love it!

Does anyone know if we get our full financial aid offer with our early action acceptance?

@PengsPhils @maneobjective @bartierbrina I think those are fair points about not being able to take numbers and the point that it is a bit random. My daughter was denied at Villanova and got into Richmond. Not saying Apples to Apples but in terms of acceptance rates 'Nova was 28.9% last year and Richmond was 30.2%. Now I know 'Nova likely attracts perhaps higher qualified candidates, but the percentage acceptance rate is what it is. She had the same essay for both. One difference was that she visited Richmond and showed interest with an email or two and showed zero interest and didn’t visit 'Nova. For complete purposes my daughter has 1460 SAT and 3.99 GPA unweighted and tons of extras, volunteer work, awards, class VP, etc. And as mentioned above, lower GPAs and SATs in the low 1300’s were getting in and deferred. Flat out rejection with no interest could be seen as hey they don’t care or this is a safety vs. slightly lower and a lot of interest. I would think smaller more popular schools like 'Nova have to protect and be even more picky. Again I don’t mean to say Richmond = Nova as it does not but I think they are a decent comparison (feel free to kill me on here if I am way off). NEU and a few others coming by Feb 1 will also be additional data points to prove out a few things. But ultimately so much subjective components to this process.

There is no sour grapes on this 'Nova decision as my daughter was unlikely to attend 'Nova, but I think it’s just trying to understand this odd process! NEU is pretty much top choice for my daughter and she visited 3 times, including an invite from there and sent a few emails. With NEU and a few others coming it is interesting to see how much “interest” plays a role. Everyone from 'Nova thread says 'Nova doesn’t track interest at all - hard to believe.

Good luck to everyone.

How does the process of deferral work at NU? The regular decision date is two weeks after, so should I be worried if I am deferred?

@rebeccas1221 Yes, NEU provides it’s package if you are accepted at same time - somewhat rare in January I believe. I think we need to give them credit for that. It’s great to hear that you get in in Nov or Dec, but if you have to wait until March to find out about the $$ doesn’t do much - especially for a school costing $70k.