Northeastern University 2019 EA

@tbrixton thank you! it’s a very expensive school, unfortunately. Its also really big, so I’m deciding whether or not it is too big.

Would anyone recommend visiting? I know its cold in Boston but I haven’t heard much about the campus at NU.

@tbrixton I definitely agree that demonstrated interest plays a large role for a lot of schools. I recently got into a school with a 15% acceptance rate and I attribute it mostly to the fact that I showed as much interest as possible through contact with the school and my essays. However, it seems like that is true mostly for smaller schools and I don’t think that Northeastern plays into it as much because they are a larger school that doesn’t have to worry as much about yield as tiny liberal arts colleges. If you check the Common Data Set for Northeastern, they rank what is important to them in an applicant and it says that the level of applicant’s interest is “Considered”. Not “important” or “very important”, but “considered”. My guess is that for Northeastern, showing interest can definitely help you, but not showing interest most likely won’t hurt you, especially for EA. It seems that RD is where interest comes into play the most, when deferred applicants have the chance to send letters of continued interest. So bottom line, I don’t think anyone is this forum should worry about their level of demonstrated interest. If the admissions committee believes you are qualified and a good fit, you will likely get in. If not, then there’s probably other reasons why you got deferred or rejected.

@rebeccas1221 The RD date is by April 1st (aka late March but who knows when). If you’re deferred I would temper expectations, send a LOCI (letter of continued interest) if it’s a top choice, and then set low expectations and try to distract yourself while you wait. If this EA wait is a lesson, expect to hear back late and be surprised if you hear earlier :slight_smile:

@rebeccas1221 I would. I visited in the summer though so the weather was great. But if you’re seriously considering the school, and I’d extend this to any college, you should visit. Most of the time I can tell if I want to go simply from being on a new campus. If you’d like my two cents, I quite loved it. It’s very urban. You can tell when you’re on campus, but it flows right from the city onto the campus. This is something I love but many people would rather have a more closed off campus feel. It also feels big enough so you wont feel confined, and this is also augmented by the flow into the city. It does not feel constrained at all, but it’s not so big that it swallows you up. I had a great tour guide and got to take a look at a dorm and several inside spaces which seemed new and clean, but that could also just be the parts they decided to show us. @tbrixton I also geared some of this answer towards your post. I hope this is helpful, but this is still just my opinion and preference and the best way to really know is to go see it if you can. Best of luck to you all.

Can anyone send a basic outline of how to write a LOCI?

website isn’t loading for me… anyone else?

me too @whovian26. It probably doesn’t mean anything though
Edit: just kidding, it just loaded lol

@rebeccas1221 If your son or daughter is interested in attending you should definitely visit. I grew up in the area and NEU has changed in last 20+ years. I think it is a cool mix of a city college, but has enough green space that it has a campus feeling with “closed in” areas. So in some respects you walk a few min and you are on major road in Boston and other areas where you don’t see that and it feels like a campus. Campuses such as BU and George Washington for example are all city (BU only has a small stretch that you can feel like you aren’t necessarily in Boston’s Allston neighborhood), but it is nothing like BC which is very suburban. NEU is situated in a spot that encompasses Back Bay, South End, Roxbury, Mission Hill, and Fenway.

Not sure where you are from but it is definitely a city campus, so that is an important component if you’re thinking the more suburan/rural colleges that are out there. Having said that, I was very impressed (in fact surprised) at how much I liked it (and my daughter too). Fantastic location to go many places in Boston as well.

As far as when, I would wait until after Feb if you can. Very cold, snowy, windy may not help the impression. March can be iffy too so check weather reports. April may be best bet knowing you have to make a May 1 decision. April can be beautiful Spring days, but early April sometimes has snow!!

@rebeccas1221 Here is a short drone video of part of the campus, taken likely on a Sunday morning given the lack of traffic on Huntington Ave.

my portal is loading… is that bad…

no @jnagra mine is too, it doesn’t mean anything

goodluck bois

Thank you, everyone, for the help! I really appreciate it.

@Cholo19 I totally agree I really would appreciate an acceptance to a school I’d actually like to go to

What if I don’t have the time or had the time to visit and show demonstrated interest? How big of a deal is it if you are kind of a top student? It is probably too late to mention to the admissions office that i will be visiting and they could add that interest to their file? They’ve probably made their decisions already, but whatevs. Thanks in advance!

Not a big deal, they are making it sound like a bigger deal than it is. dw

Does anyone have any insight as to how roommates are selected, is it random?

I don’t think that interest plays that big of a role in the decision, but it does help a tiny bit. It just shows them that if they accept you, it wouldn’t be a wasted spot, which is slightly more encouraging to them.

One question: does writing them emails show continued interest even before you have gotten your decision from NEU?