Northeastern University 2019 EA

@ripple46 So you’re fairly certain that they’re coming out today?

@Outof603 - This doesn’t make sense to me. First, many if not most kids have no idea what they want to major in. How are undecideds ‘ranked’ in your scenario? Second, since it is pretty easy to change majors at NEU, other than in the studio arts and health sciences, what is to stop someone from applying in an ‘easier’ major to gain admissions and then just switching to a ‘harder’ major once admitted? Third, there are so many majors, not to mention so many combinations of double-majors, majors and minors, and special majors. How is the school expected to filter all of these in a flow chart of relative scores and grades? Finally, NEU is known for chasing national rankings. My sense is that the school will pretty much always default to high grades and particularly to high standardized test scores. The math speaks for itself in achieving and maintaining high median GPA and test score levels.

I do, however, agree with your take on EFC. NEU is a need-aware school. As such, one’s choice to apply for FA and one’s relative demonstrated need can most certainly weigh in the admissions decision. I assume there is a limited pool of money for FA. It’s a question of allocation, I guess.

honestly this is me. i don’t think im going to get in and it sucks because northeastern is my number one choice.

@BrooklynRye I actually did this for CMU. I applied for their bio program because I feel that I am more qualified for that than I am in BME. The bio program’s admits has slightly lower stats than the engineering kids so it might work

Where do you find the average stats for each major?

@unicef101 best of luck to all of us :slight_smile:

@St678557 CMU has them in the “academic profile” on their admissions page. Other schools have this too, I’m sure NU has one

How does NU calculate GPA? middle 50% is 4.1-4.5

So we think they’re coming out today??

@Jtuell8 No one is absolutely sure of when they are coming out.

@BrooklynRye take for example NYU, where I applied ED to Stern. they make it very clear on tour and in their information sessions, that if you were to go to Gallatin you would would have less than a 10% chance to be admitted to Stern later. There you were accepted into the “school” not the university. I know local to me at UNH many students who do not get admitted to nursing major in some form of biology, those students need to apply for transfer into the nursing program. NEU may operate differently, so let me apologize to anyone who read final authority on my statement. It has just been my experiences elsewhere in highly competitive schools, Northeastern may operate in a completely different manner. But the original post was response after a Villanova thread, or many other threads I have seen on CC where student X had lower stats than student Y it is random as to who they take. I just don’t believe there is as much randomness as is often attributed to the process.

Decisions could be today or tomorrow, either is likely. Let’s not all freak out today when all we have is speculation and potentially untrustworthy sources.

@Outof603 - I agree when it comes to specialty undergrads such as Stern, Mendoza and Wharton. Am sure there are other examples of such schools in other disciplines. But when it comes to simply declaring a mainstream major, not so sure. Is Philosophy ‘harder’ than English? Are the admit stats for Math higher than Chem? Seems like one is really in the weeds after awhile. Of course @cholo19 makes a good point. If the school wants to serve up specific admit stats for specific majors, and the applicant is not targeting a major or school that is difficult (Stern) or impossible (Ross) to get into after matriculation, by all means game the system!

If i get accepted who tryna be my roommate?

I’m in bro @maxpugh19

@brooklynrye I agree. I applied ed to Wharton and didn’t get in. Northeastern is my #1 now!

Does anyone know what’s harder to get into? Their business program or engineering?

How difficult is the Explore program?

Explore is typically easier than the concentrated fields of interest like engineering or bme or business, but still difficult to get into due to NEU’s prestige as a top tier school.

@St678557 It’s a weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale with +.5 for honors and +1 for AP/IB/DE