Northeastern University 2019 EA

Would be very interested if you have any calculators or information on this. So many high schools with so many different grade scales. For instance, our high school grades on a 0-100 scale. Various conversion tables to 4.0 scale. Any direction as far as determining one’s NEU GPA?

No one has statistics on the difficulty of majors but it seems that, generally speaking, engineering, CS, business, and specialized small fields like Nursing/PT/Pharmacy are the “more competitive” majors while classic liberal arts subjects are “less competitive”. It’s hard to say how much of a difference there is, but generally I would think it is negligible as switching majors at Northeastern is quite easy, and colleges fluctuate in size depending on applicants. The CS department for example has grown a good deal over the past 5 years in line with demand generally.

@BrooklynRye Not to prolong this, because I believe that we are in essential agreement. Philosophy and English would likely have the same admin requirements, both in the respective liberal arts school. Math and Chemistry could if they fell beneath the same school. So my point was centered more around comparing within a school than comparing within a specific major within a school. Does Northeastern admit students to the university undeclared, or do they admit to COE Undeclared? I would imagine all COE applicants are compared to each other, whether you are chem-E, EE, or undeclared.

@Outof603 Northeastern admits to specific major but is very flexible with changes once accepted/attending. For that reason I’m not sure if it’s even by college but more of “well we have way too many applicants for X so we just can’t take them all” and that really just depends on the applicant pool for what the admitted profiles for each major and college ends up being.

The waiting game is making me anxious!!

If it did come out today, would the decisions start being released at 3 or 4?

@mountainmama19 It was always at 3 PM them they switched to 4 PM then 3:30 etc. Let’s just say between 3 and 5 PM (ish).

Does anyone know if the combined majors are harder to get in to compared to the regular majors?

@PengsPhils So that was my question. My daughter as applied to Business, could they deny her the Business School and still accept her to NEU to Undecided/Undeclared or is it Business or Not Accepted at all? We got a denial from 'Nova from Business School and everyone said it is very hard to get into. Just wondered if these school’s default to an Undecided major if you are good enough for the school but not good enough for major. Thanks.

Anyone know how hard it is to get in for nursing?

People need to stop stressing about whether certain majors are harder than others. That’s out of your control now and hopefully we will know within the next few hours whether we got in or not.

@tbrixton Gotcha! It’s a general admit or deny, you won’t be redirected to another program. No default to undecided.

@12345hii No one knows since there aren’t any released statistics! It’s somewhere between 1 and 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 :slight_smile:

We had asked the NEU tour guides about this and they mentioned several times that people switch their majors all the time and one major is not more difficult than other. Several tour guides had also changed their majors. I think it is different for NYU where Stern is way hard to get in than other majors. Michigan Ross is two step process where you first apply to LSA and write additional essays for Ross. This is the impression I have but I may be wrong.

Is that Eastern time?

chances of admittance:
Applied to School of Business
4.2 W/3.8 UW
32 ACT
Basic Extracurrciculars (volunteering, etc.)
Decent Essay - nothing great

they haven’t announced it on twitter so I doubt it’ll come out today :confused:

Don’t they usually tweet like a minute before they start releasing decisions though?

I’m so stupid! I just found out NEU is not need blind and we applied for financial aid!

pretty much everyone does. But they’ll look into ur profile and see if u actually qualify