Northeastern University 2019 EA

When do they typically tweet that decisions will be coming out?

@St678557 last year it came put at 4:02pm

@lzd1234 Thanks! That makes me feel better.

My tour guide said that you could easily switch majors so I think for NEU that all majors are equally as hard to get into.

You either need it or you don’t @Micc

If it doesn’t come out today or tomorrow, whats the next guess for decisions?

how do you know they do not need blind?

Our tour guide said something similar, but there are schools, particularly in the health sciences for example, that are much tighter in terms of numbers. Might not be so easy to switch into one of those.

at this rate… March

Not sure if this is addressed to me or to the thread. I know because, first, the school does not expressly state on their website or in any literature that the school is need-blind when it comes to FA. I also know, because I asked the Dean of Admissions at one of the info sessions we attended and she told me flat out “No”.

@Long Island Ivy Mother 1 Northeastern meets full demonstrated need. Only a handful of schools that meet full need can afford to be need blind: Harvard, Yale etc.

Anyone have any results?


Ugh. Hopefully at 4

@TomSrOfBoston - Also add that NEU guarantees the initial package as a floor for 4 years. That’s HUGE!

@BrooklynRye are you applying this year or are you a parent of previous students at NEU? You seem so knowledgable.

@BrooklynRye I do because my dad lost his job in late 2018. But with his 2018 tax filing, the numbers aren’t that bad so hopefully I won’t get rejected for applying FA. I could get reject for other reasons though.

Feel your pain, @Micc . All I meant was that, whether or not a school is need-blind, makes no difference in terms of applying. If you can’t afford full tuition, then you can’t afford to apply without applying for financial aid.

nothing yet

Hi @erinh734! Both actually…lol. I share the avatar, just on this thread, with my D19. He doesn’t usually comment but sometimes knows a lot more than me when it comes to his proposed major, experiences when he visited, etc. As the parent, I am more into the hard data. Rely on @TomSrOfBoston and @PengsPhils in that area. Way more knowledgeable when it comes to all things Boston than I am.