Northeastern University 2019 EA

@D3c1s10n Feb. 15th to be exact :slight_smile:

It looks like early action decisions came out on January 18 last year!!

@19duri01 yeah, so I’m thinking we could expect decision January 17 this year!!

My daughter is in her 3rd year at NU. She received her admission email on a Wednesday. Not sure why people think it’s always on a Thursday. or a Tuesday. It’s kind of making me chuckle. Good luck!

I’m tired of waiting! ?

I’m hoping for next week!

It could even be tomorrow ?

I hope it’s today! Next week is going to be so stressful for me especially the 17th, so I just want to get it out of the way so I don’t stress about decisions all next week as well haha!

It’s coming out today!?!

Noooo! This is how rumors get started. The best information, from posters on this thread who appear to have the most experience, is that the EA decisions will come out next week. When exactly next week, is anyone’s guess, but next week…

Where else did she apply? My daughter also applied to NE and is interested in Game Design and we need a lot of merit money. She also applied to George Mason, Drexel, Carnegie-Mellon, University of Southern California and RIT. Her stats are not quite as good as your daughter’s though.

Nooo I don’t think they will come out today! I just wish they did. They’ll probably come out later next week, based on when they’ve come out in the past.

It is possible but not likely that the come out today. We only have one piece of data to go off because they switched the EA notification date just last year. Until after this year, it is difficult to predict when decisions will come out with any accuracy.

Does anyone know if NU sent an email out or posted to twitter that date which decisions would be released in previous years? Did they just come out and people notice?

Last year I don’t think they posted anything about when they would be out. People just got an email that day that said decisions were out. It was mostly a surprise as far as I could tell

They posted on Twitter the day of EA decision release last year on 1/18/18

Last year they announced it a few minutes after 4PM so if its going to come out today we’ll know by 4

@TomSrOfBoston What do you suppose are the chances that EA decisions are released today?

Not a Twitter person, but they apparently announce their decisions on their feed…

@St678557 Virtually nil.

The twitter announcement comes out a few minutes before the decisions.