Northeastern University 2019 ED

Got into Business school
GPA: 94 (weighted)
ACT: 34
Top 20% of class
12k per year scholarship

I got into the Business School!
GPA: 3.86 UW 4.20 W
ACT: 32

Deferred ?

My daughter got in, she is very happy. 3.98uw and 33act, with a bazillion ECs. I hate this process.

hi, I was just wondering, is it possible for an ED applicant to get waitlisted?

@askingaquestion8 No, accepted or deferred are the options.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to “woo” admissions if deferred?

Our son was accepted last night!! College of Engineering

SAT 1450
GPA 3.9
Lots of AP’s, strong essay
1st gen

I got deferred last night.
31 ACT (30 without superscore)
90.3/100 GPA, lots of APs
Strong extracurriculars, Eagle Scout
Also had Institutional legacy
Does anyone know how to improve chances of admittance? Also, does the application roll over to Early Decision II?

@joshbakervt Your application will be considered RD. It does not roll over to ED II.

I got accepted last night, but as a guaranteed transfer in fall 2020.
33 ACT (composite)
3.95 gpa (weighted)
Decent extracurriculars, (most of time spent volunteering and at work)

Did anybody else get this decision? I had no idea it was even a possibility.

@Eddysrf Congrats!! What does that mean…guaranteed transfer?

@Eddysrf @momzilla2D guaranteed sophomore transfer was used a year or so ago at NEU, as it has been used at various other schools. In general terms, it means that you can attend another university or college for your frosh year and then you are guaranteed entry into NEU for your sophomore year as a transfer. You might check if it comes with guaranteed housing or not for your years at NEU as transfer students traditionally are not offered guaranteed housing like incoming frosh.

@twicemama Is the guaranteed transfer decision binding?

Chances for Northeastern university EA class of 2023:

GPA: uw: 3.72 w:~4.15(upward trend) (42/273 weighted class rank)
7 AP’s, (biology, English 11, English 12, physics 1, government, psychology, calculus AB), IB Physics 12 senior year , many honors classes
ACT superscore: 33 (33 e, 33 m, 33 r, 31 s)
 -visited campus

EC’s: -8 varsity letters for two sports within my four years.

  • captain of both of them my senior year
    -founder of the table tennis club
  • ~350 volunteer hours
  • volunteers tennis instructor for little kids.
    -four mission trips
    -no “hooks”

My main worry is the fact that I’m not in the top ten percent of my class. What do you suppose my chances are of being accepted?

My son got admitted into the NUin program and we don’t see a link to a scholarship award.
With those of you who got them, did it come on the decision page or did you find it in your myNortheastern account? (curious because he was awarded a microscholarship through, so we thought we’d see that) Planning on calling the school Monday, but thought I’d check in here in the meantime. Thanks. Congrats to all who got in, fingers crossed for all who got deferred and I’m sorry to all who didn’t get the news they were hoping for.

Getting into NUIn typically means that your stats are on the lower end for NEU so I’m not sure that merit would be coming at this point.

Thanks, @collegemom9. We were not expecting merit money based on his stats, but he did earn some money through and my understanding was supposed to come at the time decisions will come out. We’ll figure it out tomorrow

My son got a Dean’s Scholarship in addition to the and both were mentioned in a separate letter from the D’Amore-McKim school of business.

anyone here get accepted into architecture ed? I’d love to see stats