Northeastern University 2019 RD

Decision: deferred EA, accepted RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 33 ACT from one test
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.82 UW/4.2 W with a harsh grading system
State/Country: CA
Major: Biology
Did you apply for FA?: Yes, small loan
Honors/NMF/etc?: queer alliance club leader 3 years, theatre tech 4 years, good recommendations

Decision: Accepted RD (Deferred EA)
ACT: 28
GPA Weighted: 4.42/5.0
Unweighted: 3.75/4.0
State: TX
Major: Physics and Philosophy
FA: $55k /yr

Honestly, very confused on how I got in since a lot of you all have much higher merit than me but remember you’ll end up where you belong so it’s not all about scores. Congrats to all that got in!

ACCEPTED! I can’t believe it… I probably will not be attending, but it feels good getting an acceptance!

SAT: 1490 (700RW/790M)

USH: 700
MATH II: 710

GPA UW: 3.7-3.8 / W: 4.2

Major: Finance

FA: yes

ECs: started a retail business, shift manager of a restaurant, FBLA officer, Head Instructor of a Korean Language Academy, etc

Dean’s scholarship $12K every year.

Congrats to everyone who got in! To those who didn’t, I wish you the best in the college admissions process!

Decision: deferred EA, waitlisted RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1430 SAT from 2 tests
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.70 UW/3.87 W with a harsh grading system
State/Country: CA
Major: Econ/Business
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: National Hispanic Scholar

Decision: Waitlisted RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 34 (35 superscore)
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.0 UW
State/Country: NC
Major: undecided
Did you apply for FA?: no
Honors/NMF/etc?: NMF

IMO my essay was really good (favorite part of my app) but I prob didn’t come across as a good fit.

For my daughter Decision: waitlisted (Deferred EA)
SAT: 1430
GPA: 3.99 UW; 4.7W
Applied for FA: yes
Home State: KY
Major: Political Science 10 APs; KY Governor Scholar; NHS; lots of ECs and good essays
Visited twice, before deferral and after

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted! (after being deferred EA)
SAT/ACT (Superscore):1510
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): Our school doesn’t use the 4.0 system, but UW 94.32, W 96.65
State/Country: NY
Major: Health Science (Bouve College of Health Sciences)
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: Honors Societies (NHS, Mu Alpha, Tri-M [founder at our school]), multiple clubs, multiple orchestras including state level, varsity tennis for four years, ambassador for NEA, volunteer work, etc.

S 19 is on the waitlist. He was deferred EA. Anyway, It doesn’t matter anymore, he received likely letter from Cornell last week… Congrats to all the accepted.

Decision ( and if deferred EA ): Waitlisted, applied only RD
SAT/ACT ( Superscore ): 1320
GPA( UW/W + Scale Info ): 3.8704 ( UW 4.0 scale ) and 5.2816 ( W 5.0 scale )
State: TX
Major: International Business ( United Kingdom )
Did you apply for FA: Yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: NHS, SNHS, Vice President of FBLA chapter, volunteer work, AP Scholar with Distinction

Decision: Accepted! (Deferred EA)
ACT: 36
GPA: 4.0 UW / 4.4 W
State/Country: OH
Major: Game Art
Did you apply for FA?: No
Dean’s Scholarship: 22k a year
CAMD Creative Leaders Portfolio Scholarship: 15K a year
Honors/NMF/etc?: NMF, 2019 US Presidential Scholar candidate
Letters of Rec: pretty strong
Essay: 8/10
Extracurricular: Editor in chief of school magazine
AP: 11 total including this year – all 5s so far

Couple questions, how much is NMF scholarship? I received 2 scholarships, can they be stacked?

didn’t apply EA, rejected RD
SAT/ACT: 32 ACT (33 superscore)
GPA: UW 3.78/4.0 W 4.1/5
State/Country: IN
Major: Biology
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Just out of curiosity…does anyone know anything about the NU in program? Is it a good option?

Decision: Accepted RD to NUin program
SAT/ACT: 1520/35
GPA: 96.2 UW, 102.96 W (school has out of 100 scale)
State: NY
Major: Biochemistry
Did you apply for FA?: No
Letters of Rec: strong
Essay: 8/10
APs: took 6, enrolled in 7 more this year, AP Scholar with Distinction
EC: Editor of School Newspaper, Science Olympiad Captain, very involved in research (multiple awards), 3 honors societies, hospital volunteering, piano, published in academic journals, writing awards

I’m really confused as to why I wasn’t accepted into the fall term and would appreciate some insight. My stats are higher than people who did get in from my HS…the only thing I can think of is that I applied rather last minute so it’s possible my school’s guidance department did not send things in time. Any insight would help!

@zzd857 The NMF scholarship will replace the Dean’s scholarship. They do not stack.


accepted into the NUin program, not too bad I was expecting a rejection, got a 1360 on SAT and 29 on ACT

My daughter was accepted into the NUin program today. This school was a big reach for her, so she is thrilled she got in, but doesn’t think the NUin program is right for her (and I agree). It seems all about preserving the reputation of the school as far as test scores, and not at all about what’s right for the applicant. That said, it’s better than being waitlisted or denied.

Decision (and if deferred EA): RD/NUin program
SAT/ACT (Superscore): ACT 27
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.0
State/Country: NY
Major: Business
Did you apply for FA?: Yes, but no info received on that yet
Honors/NMF/etc?: Student govt, many AP classes, Natl Honor Society, peer leader

I got in as well just read some reviews online and didn’t hear anything bad. They basically said it was like a mini break and wasn’t that hard to transition back onto the Boston campus because you have the 100-150 friends you went abroad with.

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted after deferred EA w/ Dean Scholarship
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 33
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): UW 3.94 W 4.25
State/Country: CA
Major: Health Science
Did you apply for FA?: No
Honors/NMF/etc?: AP scholar, two varsity sports all 4 years w/ leadership awards, yearbook EIC, 300+ community service hours

@putinator @lovemycats this is from the waitlist FAQ on their website:

How many students are on the waitlist? How many receive admission from the waitlist?

Last year due to a high level of interest from the admitted class, no students were offered a spot from the waitlist. We continue to offer a waitlist as the outcomes for each year are different, but as the waitlist is variable, we encourage you to fully consider you other offers of admission.

This year, there were 62,000 applicants and 2800 spots. In previous years NU has accepted 4x the amount of student that have spaces available for, as only 25% of those accepted tend to enroll.

Now with the common app and no supplement making it such an easy and attractive school to apply to, they are getting so many more applicants… I think this is now affecting that 4x admitted and 25% enrolled stat, which is why no one was picked off the waitlist last year.

However, it might make sense that less will enroll because so many ivy-level kids are using NU as their safety/likely school and then choosing to enroll elsewhere if they get in.

I was deferred EA and waitlisted